Week Six Summary
This week’s paper is about guide assisted depth perception for the reaching of objects. This is importance in VR as in real life to allow the user to properly interact and reduce strain on any such interaction. This is specifically in the case of what they referred to as Fish Tank VR, or VR in a small well controlled space. They were attempting to determine the best way of assisting the user as they reach for objects in the virtual world . The experiment consisted of having a user tap cylinders of varying heights and thicknesses that were placed on a grid. The experiment might also include barriers that obscure the users view forcing them to move their to be able to see beyond the barrier. The focus of this study was to examine the effects of correct/incorrect, and stereoscopic depth for visually guided reaching. In the end their trials concluded that stereoscopic viewing had a greater improvement in the subjects ability to complete the test. The trials also showed stereoscopic views had an increased improvement over the perspective viewing as the targets decreased in size. This study does conflict with earlier studies that had slight variation on the base experiment(otherwise know as the Fitts tapping task).
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