Week 2 summaries [aurelien bonnafont]

Disigning interactive theme park:

This article deal with the virtual effect of the interaction theme park “Battle for the bucanner” which submerged people inside a virtual Pirates battle on the High seas.

Here the virtual reality effect is created by a motion platform board  with canon and helm surrounded by big screens. The key is to find a way to let people control their adventure without loss of feelings.

Thanks to some tricks as Architectural weenies, guide ships, snear attacks and waterspout, the capitain of the ship is attracted toward the action and to make sure the clients reach a climax, the adventure is ended by an ultimate big battle.

For acclimating the guests with their new world and also to keep fun and fluidity the game is less concerned by the reality than the show. But all of this is compensate by real moves inside the ships, the sound and the real feelings to keep a total immersion in this virtual world. Moreover you can share this attraction with other people like friends or family.


Virtual environment for treating the fear of heights:

In this article the author explain how we can use VR to treat people against phobia and especially acrophobia. The main problem here is how to trick the brain to give it a real sensation of height exposure.

For this experience, real Platforms are used to give subjects physical contacts with this virtual world, and a fine definition make sure that the patient is totally submerged inside this VR.

This therapy begin with low height and the more the patient is habituated the more the height is increased. The goal is to achieve a total desensitization.

To test this technology the scientists elected a group of people and make them fill a questionnaire about their feelings and their degree of anxiety. The result are coherent with a real world height situation , and we can see that the subjects anxieties diminished with long exposure.

We can conclude that this technology is a good way to desensitized people against height exposure and VR could be used to fight other phobia.


Merging Virtual Objects with the real worlds:

The goal of this article is to explain how recreate 3D images by using ultrasound techniques.

Using ultrasound only gives us a 2D images. To get a 3D objetcs 2D slices has to be assembled by a computing algorithm.

The problem is the big complexity of these algorithms for rendering a good 3D images. An incremental volume rendering techniques give good results but only for fixed and small volumes.

This is why the authors have experimented a new way to obtain realtime images . Thanks to an ultrasound scanner,a HMD camera and a transducer tracker, the results give a mixed of synthetic and real images within the update rate limit of the tracking display system. But some problem still occur like lag, resolutions, time complexity.


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