Junaio is an augmented reality browser which has a wide range of AR capabilities from GPS tracking to marker recognition. This software allows embedded information to be interacted with thus unloading a new level of information and interaction. For example, scanning a painting in a museum gives access to the painter’s information, a barcode or a QR code scan can trigger access to a website, a shopping micro-site or other related information, depending on the data sources available from various partner platforms. There are some really cool features including: unique markers from environment specific designs e.g plans and sections, 3D model with interactivity points which unveil information on specific areas.
One unique feature about that Junaio is that it can work inside buildings which clearly set itself apart from its competitor Layar . If you want to see this works in real life, you should visit a very specific event or exisbition and test the technology. If you’re at the event, all you have to do is start junaio app on your iPhone or Android-powered device and select event channel. Then, you’ll be able to get additional information on everything around by simply pointing your phone around the venue and then clicking on dots to get additional information. The trick is in their patent-pending LLA marker (latitude, longitude, altitude) technology that works alongside GPS and compass-based geo-information, enabling users to experience augmented reality even inside buildings. In other words, the company is hoping to bring AR technology to other closed spaces such as exhibitions, trade fairs, shopping malls, airports and rail stations.
In my opinion, there are some limitations about doing that. They need to own certain amount of users to encourage a group developers to create and maintain their own channels, which is very challenging for a mid-scale company and a huge investment for short-term event. With this in mind, I would like to find a way to provide information in a more organised sense for collaborative purposes. I hope with more research I can find a solution for this.
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