Non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) is an attractive approach for seamlessly blending virtual and physical content in Augmented Reality (AR) applications. Simple NRP techniques, that use information from a single rendered image, have been demonstrated in real-time AR systems. More complex NRP techniques require visual coherence across multiple frames of video, and typical offline algorithms are expensive and/or require global knowledge of the video sequence. To use such techniques in real-time AR, fast algorithms must be developed that do not require information past the currently rendered frame. This paper presents a watercolor-like NPR style for AR applications with some degree of visual coherence.
Watercolor-like AR. Three virtual objects (a teapot, a cube and a bunny) and several real objects (pens, notes, a bottle and a tissue box) are stylized.
Jiajian Chen, Greg Turk, Blair MacIntyre, Watercolor Inspired Non-Photorealistic Rendering for Augmented Reality, In Proc. ACM Symposium of Virtual Reality Science and Technology (VRST08), October 2008, Bordeaux, Fracne [pdf]
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