The midterm test will consist of multiple choice and short-answer questions. (The longest required answer will be one paragraph.) The test will last for 60 minutes, starting at 9:45. Please bring bluebooks with you and write in ink or dark pencil. You are responsible for the following readings and materials:
- R. Azuma, “A survey of augmented reality,” Presence-Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 1997. PDF (see Resource page)
- R. Azuma, “Recent advances in augmented reality,” Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 2001. PDF (Resource page)
- B. MacIntyre et al. “The Argon AR Web Browser and Standards-Based AR Application Environment” IEEE ISMAR 2011. PDF (Resource page)
- E. Barba et al. “Here we are! Where are we? Locating Mixed Reality in The Age of the Smartphone”, to appear in the Journal of the IEEE, 2012. (in resources/Papers on t-square)
- Benford et al. Uncle Roy All Around You: Implicating the City in a Location-Based Performance. (blast theory web site)
Also the following YouTube videos:
Finally, you are responsible for all the materials presented in class, including the presentations on programming. You can review all the slides by going to the schedule page.