In this assignment, you will create a relatively simple mock-up of the basic structure of a geo-spatial AR/MR story or tour, using Argon. While you are free to make the experience as complex and “real” as you like, and the content as interesting as you want, the basic requirements that you must meet are specified below.
Unlike A0, the content for this assignment will reside in static .kml files on a web server of your choice (e.g., you can use your GT prism web account if you want). The content elements that you create can also be extremely simple, if you want; you could create images that say “story point 1”, “tour content bit 2”, etc. Or, after you have gotten the basic parts work, you could be creative and use this as an opportunity try and test some more interesting content elements (see the option for bonus points).
Technically and practically, the goal of this assignment is to have you gain experience with creating an outdoor experience based on GPS, and to use it to begin thinking about the kinds of things this system affords, and what is easy and what is hard. We would like you to begin thinking about how geo-spatial content is seen in-place, and how the same content could be visible from multiple locations, even when you may not want it to be. Or, perhaps, that you might want to change the appearance of content when it is viewed from different locations.
We will leverage Argon’s “geospot” panoramas for this assignment. This will make the assignment easier for you to test, and practical for us to grade. In addition, as the semester progresses, we will discuss how panoramic experiences are interesting in their own regard.
The first step in this assignment will be to create at least three panoramic images, and use them to create Argon “geospots”. These geospot locations (panoramas) must be spaced far enough apart that, even with GPS error, the system can easily and unambiguously tell what the closest one is when a user is near it.
Creation of the geospots is most easily done using the panorama creation site built by Dr. Bolter and his students. This site allows you to upload a panoramic image (which you can create on an iPhone using tools like the free Photosynth app). Keep in mind, as you create panoramas and convert them using this site, that you will need manually align the panorama with north, and to figure out (and assign) the geolocation of the panorama (as discussed in class). Using these panoramas, you will create a simple Argon .kml file based on the CULC demo from the Argon developer site. As with the CULC demo, each geospot should have it’s own placemark identifying where it is, and allowing the user to virtually visit it.
The second step will be to create and geolocate the (standin) content for your (imagined) story or tour. This can be very simple content, but at least 2 pieces of content must be geolocated near each geospot on your “tour”.
Finally, you should write the necessary javascript so that the content elements for each geospot are shown only when the user is near that geospot. The geospot markers should always be shown, since they allow you to move between geospots (when viewing the tour remotely) or see where the locations are (when viewing the tour on site).
You will create 3 (or 4, for grad students) separate .kml files, one for each step in the assignment. You should turn in the kml files (with all associated media) AND also host those kml and media files on your own server; turn in the URLs in the text part of the t-square submission. This will allow us to both look at your kml, and easily run your submissions off of your site.
The steps of the assignment are:
a) Your kml file should have 3 geospots, and three corresponding place marks that give the users the ability to move between them by tapping on the placemarks that are always visible (just like the CULC demo). No additional content is required. ugrad: 6/10, grad: 5/10
b) You kml file should have your content elements, as described above, added to the kml file from part (a). There should be at least 2 pieces of your mocked-up content for each spot. The goal here is to position each content element as a kml placemark, geolocated such that it appears where you want when viewed from the location of the spot. 2/10
c) You should turn in a kml file that adds javascript code to such that the content elements only show up when the user is near the corresponding geospot (either physically, or be entering the geospot from a distance). 2/10
d) (optional for undergrads) You should make your content into a simple story that has more interesting content than the required above. Use your imagination, including making the content move around (using CSS3 transforms, for example), react to user input or come alive under program control. Grad students: 1/10 (with up to 1/10 bonus for a particularly creative result). Undergrads: up to 2/10 bonus points.