In the interactive ikea catalog mobile application, by using a unique augmented reality feature, users can select a piece of furniture from the catalog and place it anywhere inside the room around them, changing its size to fit the perspective by using the phone. The augmented reality feature provides an opportunity for users to try out the furniture before buying. In addition, this application also serves as a branding tool that drives consumers into bricks-and-mortal retail stores.
People enjoy to decorate their home, but sometimes it is problematic for them to figure out whether the style of this sofa fits their living room. And buying furniture is not a comparable shopping experience as picking out clothes. It is not effortless to return it if the furniture is not suitable to your decoration style. However, with AR technology, we could attempt several styles of sofas at home painlessly, and it is less workload and unique shopping experiences for consumers. After comparing different sofas, consumers may go to retail stores to touch the texture of the furniture. And it also saves lots of time for busy people.
Ikea interactive catalog mobile application demo video: