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DART_Events Namespace Reference


class  DART_Events::ActorAction
 The ActorAction supports basic functionality on the Actors (Start, Stop, Pause, Unpause, HideActor, StartAnimation, StopAnimation). More...

class  DART_Events::ActorCue
 This behavior is placed on an actor, and tells the actor to send a cue of a specified name, when something occurs such as the actor starts, stops, a frame is reached, a particular time is reached etc. More...

class  DART_Events::AnalogCue
 AnalogCue receives VRPN analog reports and compares them against values before sending a cue. More...

class  DART_Events::BooleanCue
 BooleanCue triggers cues depending on the input of two cues. More...

class  DART_Events::ButtonCue
 The Button Cue is used to activate Cues depending on the pressing of vrpn button devices. More...

class  DART_Events::ConditionalCue
 ConditionalCue triggers a cue when the Lingo expression given is true. More...

class  DART_Events::CounterCue
 CounterCue triggers a cue when certain counters are reached. More...

class  DART_Events::KeyboardCue
 Fires cues when specific keys are pressed - the cue name provided will be triggered each time the key is pressed. More...

class  DART_Events::MediaAction
 The MediaAction is used to perform actions on media elements such as video, sound, and sketch animatics. More...

class  DART_Events::MouseCue
 Fires cues on mouse click - the cue can fire when a specific actor is clicked on in the 3D world or when the 3D world is clicked in general. More...

class  DART_Events::PhysicsAction
 The PhysicsAction is used to perform actions on the physics world. More...

class  DART_Events::PositionCue
 The cue is fired when positions between two things fufill the specificied relationship (entering or leaving the zone). More...

class  DART_Events::SceneGraphAction
 The SceneGraphAction is used to perform actions on the 3D scene graph. More...

class  DART_Events::ScoreAction
 An action that performs operations related to the score like jumping to a marker. More...

class  DART_Events::StateVariableAction
 This action modifies the value of the named variable. More...

class  DART_Events::TimeCue
 Fires cues depending on the current DART-Time - the cue can be instructed to fire a series of cues starting at a certain time with a certain interval time. More...

class  DART_Events::TrackerCue
 Fires cues when a tracker appears or disappears (data is recieved or not) The cue waits for the specified amount of time for data to stop arriving before the cue is fired - the user can specify the limit of times this cue will fire. More...

Generated on Fri Oct 8 16:38:00 2004 for DART-Lingo by doxygen 1.3.7