
All of the work in this class, except where otherwise noted, is individual work.  Each homework or assignment will identify if it is group work.

However, this does not mean you should work in isolation.  Asking for help with programming issues, suggestions for how to accomplish certain things, and so on is fine, as long as the project/prototype you create is yours.  For example, you can get a pointer on how to implement something, but you should then do the implementation in your project.

If you get code from somewhere, either a tutorial, web page or forum, you are allowed to include it as long as you document what you got where.  The assignments should have a significant element of your work;  it is not acceptable to get a working prototype from somewhere and modify it slightly and turn it in.  The goal of the class is to help YOU learn to build prototypes and to demonstrate that you have learned how to create a working program.

If in doubt, ask.