DART_Physics::PhysicsInit Class Reference
This behavior is placed on the 3D world to define the properties of the Havok physics world.
List of all members.
Detailed Description
This behavior is placed on the 3D world to define the properties of the Havok physics world.
You must have a Havok physics component placed on the score to use this behavior. Then the user defines the world scale which is in meters. The standard scale is 1.0, but for correctness in DART it should be set to cm (0.01). However, if errors occur in the simulation, try changing the scale to 1.0. The tolerance is the depth of the "shell" around the objects that will be used to determine collisions , again if errors occur try making this value bigger. Very small values for tolerance can result in strange behavior in the simulation such as objects passing through each other. The substeps define how many intermediate steps will be calculated for each pass of the physics simulation that is shown on the screen. The deactivate parameters control when objects are "removed" from the simulation. They are a long and short frequency which determines when objects are checked to see if they should be removed. If you are seeing jitter on objects that should be sitting still, increase these frequency values. For more details about the Havok physic system please read the havok physics primer http://www.havok.com/xtra/downloads/docs/HavokPrimer.zip
- pWorldScale -- The scale that will be used for the simulation (m)
- pTolerance -- Thickness of boundary around objects. Used to calculate collisions
- pSubSteps -- Number of intermediate steps that are calculated for each main step of simulation
- pDeactivateShort -- Short frequency that looks for objects that can be removed from the simulation temporarily
- pDeactivateSLong -- Long frequency that looks for objects that can be removed from the simulation temporarily
Copyright 2004, Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 All Rights Reserved (See LICENSE cast member for full license information)
Member Function Documentation
DART_Physics::PhysicsInit::beginSprite |
( |
me |
) |
DART_Physics::PhysicsInit::endSprite |
( |
me |
) |
DART_Physics::PhysicsInit::exitFrame |
( |
me |
) |
DART_Physics::PhysicsInit::getPropertyDescriptionList |
( |
aScript |
) |
DART_Physics::PhysicsInit::InitPhysics |
( |
) |
Member Data Documentation
TRUE when physics has been initialized.
frequency at which physics objects will be deactived in the long term
frequency at which physics objects will be deactived in the short term
timestep to be used when stepping
time value from previous loop, used to calculate elapsed time
substeps during each step
space between objects that is considered a collision
scale to apply to the world, set to 0.01 to put in cm
Generated on Fri Oct 8 16:38:01 2004 for DART-Lingo by