This course is cross-listed in the Georgia Tech Course Catalog for graduate and undergraduate students in CS (CS-6725 and CS-4803) and Management (MGT-8803 and MGT-4803).
The class meets Monday/Wednesday 1:35-2:55pm in the Scheller College of Management, room 224.
Both public- and private-sector organizations are increasingly treating cyber-security issues as top-level risks. Major data breaches at companies such as Target and information security leaks such as those by Edward Snowden have enormous impacts on organizations. This course examines strategies for managing information security risks, developing knowledge suitable for a range of organizational roles such as board of directors, top management, chief information security officers, and persons reporting to such actors. The course examines the challenge of constructing and complying with Federal, State, local and organizational information security policies and legislation. It also examines key public policy cyber-security issues, recognizing the need for public-private partnerships, legislation, international coordination, and other systemic approaches for managing these risks. More generally, the course seeks to develop the multi-disciplinary thinking that will take account of the technology, business strategy, policy, and law of information security.
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