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AR Stages
A Design Concept to Create Augmented Reality Applications Inside MMOs


In Augmented Reality authoring based on Massive Multiplayer Online Worlds, AR experiences are less like “applications” that are designed, loaded and executed, and more like an “installation” that is created, evolved and performed in a defined area in the virtual world.

We call these areas  AR stages, in similarity to a theatrical stages were performances are situated. The virtual world provides a spatial setting for these AR stages, along with a surrounding area to create the content and behavior for them.

A 45min long presentation "AR Experiences in MMOs" is available as Quicktime video stream, or in-world at:

An AR Stage encapsulates
all aspects of an AR experience
like content, configurations
and behavior.

An AR Stage is controlled via
interactive virtual
Second Life objects.

The augmented output blends
the virtual space with physical
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Copyright 2007 GVU Center * Georgia Institute of Technology * TSRB/5th Street NW * Atlanta, GA 30332-0760
Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Munich