Comments on: wrobert – p2 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:14:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: mebibyte Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:14:17 +0000 The atmosphere is very well made with the music and background image. The concept is fun and challenging. A reset would definitely make it easier to jump back in and start playing again.

The sound effects are a bit too subtle and portray a more whimsical action instead of two colossal planets colliding. The camera jumping back is a nice effect as well, but I feel like it should happen more often.

By: jukesofhazard Fri, 24 Oct 2014 06:55:16 +0000 This game reminds me of a game called “Solar”. You’ve done a great job of making the player feel like they’re growing in mass as they absorb planets, with the combination of the controls becoming more sluggish and the gravitational pull you accumulate as you get bigger. I also really liked the player’s tail! It looks really good.

I think the controls are a bit unforgiving–the gravitational pull of the larger objects feels like it’s either overwhelming or not affecting you at times, but that might be the point. Good work!

By: kloudy Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:29:28 +0000 I really like the game feel in this prototype. I can imagine how much work it was to do all the math to make the gravitational fields work in the way that they do. The game get pretty difficult in the sense that it’s sometimes hard to tell where the gravitational fields begin on the objects so sometimes I’d find myself flinging off in one direction. I also like the music and flame that comes off the character.

I think you’ve got a good platform here to build ideas off of. There’s a lot of different ways you could take this game as you develop it further. One of the things I might add would be the ability to ‘boost’ your ship out of danger. Sometimes I’d get stuck in a gravitational field and slow descend until I crashed into the planet.

By: bossman Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:41:15 +0000 This prototype is very well done! I really like the trail to signify you current velocity. In addition I think the particles that fly out when you collide really signify the collision. I think the control and the speed of the planet is appropriate and helps you feel the size of the object you are controlling.

I think some variation in the other objects in space would be cool. Even if you just made the smaller objects planets and the larger ones stars that would suffice. Perhaps you could even add a black hole? I love the idea, great work!

By: anon101 Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:18:04 +0000 Your game clearly communicates a game feel. The player controlled sphere is differentiated from the other spheres and is intuitive to control. A nice touch were the intensity of the gravitational forces in proportion to sphere size. May displaying the gravitational feels would help give the player a better idea of where to move as they navigate the play area.

Your game had a nice use of polish effects, but could maybe have used some others to convey the character’s attributes better. Adding a visible gravitational field to the player that grew as the player did might be one such polish effect.

Overall, I enjoyed playing your game and had a clear goal of what to do despite the lack of screen prompts.
