Comments on: tsa2’s Project 2 Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 12:57:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: cubs2bears Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:25:33 +0000 I like the idea of using time control as a game mechanic. It has the possibility for some really interesting gameplay experiences. Timing the jumps in conjunction with manipulating time itself takes skill. The cloud objects and the skybox make it look like a place of peace and tranquility, and the floaty player movement fits right in. The flying victory pig is a nice inclusion as well. I would recommend adding sounds for jumping and background music that go along with this theme. I also think it would be cool if you could click the mouse again to stop slowing down time. You could also add some platforms that are easier to navigate in normal time mode rather than slow time, as this would give the player another factor to consider.

By: ragnar Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:19:29 +0000 The other comments mostly cover my thoughts. I like the art and the game mechanic, but the controls could use some work. Having the player teleport to the top of the jump instead of animating in an arc looks confusing and makes it difficult to make jumps since the highest point in the jump will happen right when pushing the button. Also, I think it would be a good idea to map the time slow to a keyboard button because it feels kind of weird to have to click on the game with nothing to point at or aim.

By: mulletman Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:24:47 +0000 The game was fun to play because it involved skill mastery. I needed to get a feel for what all I could and couldn’t do with the character using the time control. The jumping of the character wasn’t particularly smooth. Maybe that’s what you were going for? It’s also hard for me to tell what game feel you were trying to create. I feel like the use of audio both as background music and as sound effects for character actions (jumping, falling, etc.) would help with conveying the feel.

By: livingled Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:40:24 +0000 “what are some things you LIKED about what they did, and why do you like them?”

The main mechanic of the game – the time control, is really cool. I enjoyed using it to figure out the level!

“what are some specific things that could be improved, and how might they be accomplished?”

The jump and landing after the jump. Right now, it appears that upon pressing spacebar it teleports the avatar to a fixed point above his current position. Then, we float downwards at a fixed rate and are unable to jump whilst floating down.

The jump and descent after jumping could be improved by making it a physics-based jump that is effected by movespeed, momentum, etc.

“do the two motions feel like they meet the assigned “feel”?”

(Note: we didn’t need two motions in this projects so I’ll ignore that part).

The setting and atmosphere says to me happy, joyful. The avatars motion whilst floating downwards (I know, something I just criticized) gives me the idea I’m light and fluffy, like a cloud. The fact that I’m not falling through the cloud makes me think I’m light as well. I’d say the avatar DOES convey a light, airy feel.

“do the interaction aspects help create game feel (controls, avatar movement and how it interacts with the world, polish effects used directly to emphasize these interactions)
are the other parts of the prototype (textures, sounds, etc) helping or hurting?”

The game world and textures are great and contribute to a light, airy, happy kind of world – they are helping. There is no music, currently. Add an upbeat tune and some sort of audio cue for slowing time and the game will be more polished.

By: starlord Wed, 22 Oct 2014 23:58:16 +0000 I liked the mechanic of controlling time, combining that with timing your jumps made navigating the level fun.

I think jumping could be improved. It feels a little too stiff right now, at least in my opinion. I think it might also be nice to have some sort of indicator of how long the player has until things go back to normal speed.

The textures are nice but adding sounds would make it feel a lot more polished. You might even want to have a different set of sounds for when time is slowed down to reflect the change in the level.
