Comments on: ragnar’s P2 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:28:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: mjp14 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:28:32 +0000 I like the concept behind this prototype. It reminds me of the the Spider-Man 1 game for PS2 that I had a long time ago because of the ability to swing around the world and essentially reach any part of the 3D space. For me the triangle as the bungee cord was a little confusing in understanding which way you are ultimately swinging. The motions however do achieve the feel of grappling around the world. One suggestion I have is to create some objectives in the game, such as the player has to reach certain platforms in an order or an amount of time. Also I wish the game had a little more polish to it such as sounds when grappling or even textures on the platforms, but I understand that the main objective was the movement and grappling. And as far as that goes, the prototype is does an great job.

By: z-fighter Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:07:26 +0000 As someone else said, it definitely feels like the movement mechanic of Attack on Titan, which is pretty cool (glossing over the physical impossibilities of it all). I’ll admit it took me a little while to get used to the movement (and actually make it to the top) but it’s fairly easy to use once you understand it.

The character does feel a bit too floaty for my taste, but that’s just a couple simple number tweaks until you find what feels right. I know you said you wanted to keep mechanics simple, but possibly adding the functionality of being able to “reel in” the cord faster than the normal bungee contraction force would help make ascending vertically easier.

As far as polish goes, there are no visuals or sounds to help give the game a specific feel. I’m sure implementing the mechanics took some time but adding textures/sounds would go a long way to making the game feel more alive. Overall, great prototype as that mechanic could lead to some very interesting gameplay and level design.

By: demmina Fri, 24 Oct 2014 06:15:19 +0000 Really interesting and fun to mess with. The controls work very well and the movement is nice for a person who is swing by a cord. It is a little disorienting at times and made me somewhat dizzy after awhile. The character is a little to floaty and it was difficult at times to control the direction I wanted the character to move. I feel that a character swinging on a bungie cord would have a set max distance that they could reach with that cord. Also the lack of sound makes it a little bland. There doesn’t feel like there is any non game polish in this prototype. Otherwise the idea is unique and a great start.

By: norigantz Fri, 24 Oct 2014 02:04:03 +0000 This is really fun to mess around with. I can see the mechanic being super satisfying, especially with a bit of tweaking on the physics. For one, I feel that the mechanic would be much more satisfying with less floaty/more realistic gravity. This would enhance the sensation of swinging from a rope, because as it is swinging from the rope acts as kind of an enhancement to floating around in the air. If it was less floaty, swinging would end up being more visceral. I kind of want to see how the mechanics act in a different environment with more platforms. The movement on the ground needs a little bit of tweaking too, as it’s too punishing to strafe at the moment. 10/10 [TA’s – I spoke with ragnar in person a ton about his prototype, so a lot of things are left unwritten here.]

By: cubs2bears Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:54:45 +0000 The controls in this game feel very good. Turning and using the grapple hook with the mouse feel very natural. Also the level design was pretty cool to use the grapple hook with. I made it my mission to propel through the tower with the grapple hook. Showing the speed is a nice touch too. Swinging with the grapple hook feels very good, but I would consider making it have a fixed maximum distance. I think there are interesting platform opportunities using the grapple hook mechanic in this manner.

By: nintendo424 Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:51:18 +0000 This idea was really fun. It kind of made me feel like I was a character from the show Attack On Titan with Omni-Directional Gear, the way that I could fly around. Since its an open sand box, its easy to make my own goals, like reaching the top of the tower or maximizing my speed. I like it, because of how much fun I had while playing it. The motions that you go through, swinging and moving your camera to pick your new aiming locaton, really help to make the game what it is – without them, it wouldn’t feel right. The interactions with the world are great, the way that the hook attaches and then you begin moving. It’s not really sudden, which is nice. You can move and rotate, doing tricks. It’s fun! I recommend adding some sound effects, maybe some other things like it you collide with something while swinging your hook comes loose and you fall.
