Comments on: Pandora’s Wake (Paintblade – GameFeel2) Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:30:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: wrobert666 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:30:49 +0000 I think the atmosphere of the game is great, the music goes a long way to accomplish that and the artwork does the rest. It seems very well put together and feels great.

The only critique I have is the interaction seems difficult and limited. I love the idea behind it, its just very difficult to understand how to make the most of the items I pick up. If their use could be slightly more rewarding I think it could go a long way to making this a great game.

Again, the movement and environment is well put together and enjoyable in itself, I just want to have more fun killing dragons!

By: mebibyte Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:32:33 +0000 The background music made me feel like I was going on a real adventure to find something very important. The landscape feels unique and very detailed. The inventory concept was cool, but I feel like it needed a bit more polish. Perhaps have an inventory bar/screen to see what I have to use. Some of the items were also confusing as to what they did.

The enemies felt a bit too powerful, making me feel a bit weak for an adventurer. Perhaps make them a bit smaller, but still dangerous using sound effects when they move and attack.

By: jukesofhazard Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:05:47 +0000 I had a hard time figuring out how to control the character, but I really like the art style and general aesthetic of the game. I think making the enemies have transparent backgrounds would make it feel more like they’re discrete units, rather than blocks moving around the board. Otherwise, good work! It’s a neat implementation of an ambitious idea.

By: bossman Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:54:48 +0000 I really like the original art. I had some trouble figuring out the item system, but the idea sounds very cool. The movement around the map feels good and the clues are very confusing and misleading. When you combine the two I think you get the mystery you are looking for.

I am assuming once it is possible to wield the magic it will feel more powerful, but I think that would be a cool transformation to portray. I start the game feeling scared surrounded by dragons. I finish the game making them bow to my power. Great work!

By: davidscz Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:29:20 +0000 The only 2d platform adventure game I’ve seen for this project (As far as I see), the concept is interesting, and making the grid and applying all the texture is not an easy job so credit to author. The item system and attack seems a little confused, and they seem to not working against enemies (dragons). But the idea is really fresh and the art choice is interesting .

By: anon101 Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:27:29 +0000 Your game had very good environmental polish. The 2D textures and character designs were neat. The music had me pumped to defeat the dragons and collect all the items. The speed of movement was a good pace – not too slow, not too fast. Immediately I knew what the character was capable of.

To improve the feel of the character, have the items point in the direction the player faces. This helps give the user a visual idea on where he can move and attack the enemies. By having the sword always point upward, I couldn’t attack the dragons from the right or left. These capabilities, as a player, seemed reasonable with the presented view and game feel.

Overall, good work on creating a compelling 2D adventure game!
