Comments on: P2 from techgamer Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 12:55:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: warl0ck Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:04:25 +0000 The atmospheric effects are really good! All the game feel elements are pretty much spot on in this one , the thunder, lightning and fog all come together really well, awesome job!
I really like all the interactions you have implemented to have this almost completely dynamic game world where you can build as well as destroy things to make progression in the game. The idea with the hammer and bombs is really cool and I really like the fact that you can interact with your environment so much!
I don’t have much to criticize honestly, the game feel and the core mechanics are pretty much on the money and just need little tweaks, like the hammer can be made to feel heavier etc.

By: gtvgd03 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:36:37 +0000 I think the atmospheric effects do a good job here, and I like the background noise but it could be toned down a little. It seemed to drown out some of the other sounds. The screen effect from the bombs is a nice touch as are the bombs themselves. I like the hammer idea and it seems to work well when you can hit things with it, but some refinement of the hammer control would be nice. I also like the idea of being able to create platforms, but think it might work better if they were a resource, so maybe you have to pick up some item then you can place a platform or two. I think the camera angle hurts the movement a little here since you seem to need to aim your jumps, but its difficult to tell where exactly your facing, at least for me. I think the idea here is good , and you’ve implemented some nice mechanics/ powers for the player with the hammer bomb and platform creation

By: bear Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:26:15 +0000 I like the idea of the having a plank pop out of nowhere. It added to the fun of the game for me. I also like the texture of the cubes and the red shade of the scene – it adds well to the ominous feel.

I think the game overall was a bit confusing to really feel like I immersed in the game. I think there are too many controls that I’m not sure how to use. I like the idea of lighting in the scene, but I think the flashing light does not add to the feel. Rather, I think taking away the flashing lights and adding constant thunder noises would create the ominous effect.
The help the player realize there is a goal, you could add more things that help guide the player to where he needs to go, such as a spotlighted path. You added particle textures to items that could be picked up, but I think you could emphasize those to really capture the players attention.

The avatar itself could also be improved. I wasn’t sure how the see-throughness of the avatar adds to the feel. Also adding the capability to move in the air would be really helpful to reaching all the platforms.

By: goillinois Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:25:07 +0000 Very creative game ! Great job ! I am pretty impressed by the features that the avatar can pick up the hammer and throw bombs to explode the boxes. I love the the effect of smashed glass like screen when the bombs burst. It makes the explosion feeling very strong and realistic. I also like the way you give the clue to the location of the target. Using particle system to help player find the right direction of the target is a very smart idea. The only thing you might want to improve is to use mouse to control the moving direction of the hammer. Right now, the hammer only follows the avatar and cannot strike the boxes intendedly by player. So if the player could use mouse to throw the hammer (like angry bird), the game would be more playable.
Overall, awesome work!

By: heptad Fri, 24 Oct 2014 02:40:11 +0000 The atmosphere is very interesting and consistent – the gravity and how the boxes float away lends to a consistent feeling of being on an otherworldly plain. The jumping was difficult since it bounced back and the blocks have a bit too much height between them. Maybe removing the bounce-back effect would make it easier? I do like that the controls enable the player to navigate and alter an interesting world. It would have been a bit more intuitive if the three controls (g, p, and b) were either 1-3 or another set of 3 keys that are next to each other on the keyboard. I found it a little distracting that the player avatar was semi-transparent – is he a ghost? An alien? Maybe build that into the game too.

By: wolverine Thu, 23 Oct 2014 23:35:43 +0000 Oh, ok! I tried it now. It is great as well and adds another fun interaction to the game. May be, you could add a stretchy swing to it to make it feel like a hammer or a wrecking ball. Great stuff.

By: techgamer Thu, 23 Oct 2014 22:22:20 +0000 Thank you for playing! Sorry, I should be more clear about what “hammer” means in this context. The “mystic ball” you saw in the ground level is actually the “hammer”, you can pick it up by coming closer to the handle of the chain and press “P”. After you pick it up, you can drag it around to push the blocks away. You can also drop it by pressing “P”. The target is on the top level and it is emitting flakes, so from the direction flakes are moving you can get some sort of idea where it may be. Enjoy!

By: wolverine Thu, 23 Oct 2014 22:00:01 +0000 The polish effects and the game environment are amazing. I also like the screen shattering effect. The background track goes well with the feel. The character is walking below the platform level so it has to jump to get on to the plank. I would have liked it if it easily walked up. Blowing up the blocks was fun but it kind gets crowded. I really had fun just making the character walk away from the blocks to a clear distance and generate planks on the go. The avatar did not seem impatient to me. Doesn’t need to be. I did not quite understand why there was a mystic ball rolling around on the ground level. Unfortunately, I could not get the “P”/ hammer thing to work and I couldn’t get to the goal. I guess I need to play it more and practice to get to find it in the time limit. Really commendable work with the polish of the game.

By: wolverine Thu, 23 Oct 2014 21:12:45 +0000 The polish effects and the game environment are amazing. The screen shatter effect to indicate damage also works great. The background track is great. The character is walking below the floor level so it has to jump to get on to the plank. I would have liked it if it easily walked up. I really had fun just making the character generate planks as it moved up away from the blocks. Blowing up the blocks was fun. The avatar did not seem impatient to me and doesn’t need to be. I did not quite understand why there was a mystic ball rolling around in the ground level. It had a cool atmospheric effect but nothing happened when I tried to interact with it or blow it up. Some positive or negative scoring would be helpful. Unfortunately, I could not get the “P”/ hammer thing to work and I couldn’t get to the goal. I guess I need to play it more and practice to get to it in the time limit. On some collisions, the camera got whacky and I lost the world and the avatar. Really commendable work with the polish.
