Comments on: mjp14 – P2 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 17:03:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: chromious Fri, 24 Oct 2014 17:03:42 +0000 This is a unique idea for a game. As I was playing it I found myself a little bit unsure about going up to these zombies, even though I am carrying food for them. It is obvious that I’m supposed to pick up the food though, great use of particle effects to demonstrate that! Once I picked up the food it was more clear to me that I was supposed to interact with the zombies. The textures used and lighting is very appropriate for the eerie mood of the game too.

By: demmina Fri, 24 Oct 2014 05:26:17 +0000 Very interesting game. Really gives the player a purpose and that makes the game fun. The movement of the character is very nice and the zombies movements look good as well. I will say it was awkward at some points handing the food to the zombies but not often. Also when I pressed R to restart the food was suddenly moving with my character and thus I couldn’t continue playing. The lack of sound though does hinder it a little but over all this game feels like its suppose to . Good job.

By: skro Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:53:06 +0000 Others have said it and I agree: This game does an excellent job at giving the player a motivating purpose. I quickly felt very compelled to feed as many zombies as possible. The concept and character design both add to the comical feel as well.

The game is also a great example of “easy to learn, hard to master”. The controls are intuitive but going as fast as possible can be tough. Maybe consider adding some obstacles or power-ups, something that adds some variability to it. The zombie character designs are funny and fit well with the feel. Maybe consider tweaking the main character as well.

By: norigantz Fri, 24 Oct 2014 00:39:33 +0000 I feel really compelled to satiate every zombie on the arena. So when there isn’t enough time to do so, I feel helpless and overly rushed. Maybe the timer isn’t the most satisfying way to pressure the player. My thought is that since they’re zombies, they should be pressuring the player themselves. Imagine the zombies slowly chased after the player character, wanting to eat him. Then the player character picks up some body parts to feed the zombies to get them off his back. It becomes a zombie game in which the survival aspect is dependent on your ability to satisfy their hunger without being eaten yourself, which is an interesting twist, but I think it’s important for this twist to work to at least have the zombies act like expected up to a certain point (ie they are fed by the player). This would make the thematic element less dissonant, and the gameplay mechanic funnier in relation to it.

By: happypandafrand Thu, 23 Oct 2014 18:11:39 +0000 This is pretty unique idea for the game. I feel that the instant feel of the game makes me feel scared of the zombies which fuels the goal of getting rid of the zombies by feeding them. This prototype is pretty fun because its a repeatable simple task that has good rewards. If there was a way to make the zombies chase you but not all swarm you at once so you could feed them in a reasonable amount of time that would be really cool and give a sense of urgency. This idea has a lot of different avenues that would benefit greatly from being worked on by a team. I personally think the character shouldn’t be able to jump because jumping in this game doesn’t have any use quite yet. If jumping allowed the player to jump onto a safe zone of some sorts then it would be good game mechanic.

By: valirek Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:23:42 +0000 Very interesting concept! I like the creativity you put behind the idea of the game, and the overall goal is interesting. The feel does fit what you say (the character is quick) and it does feel like I am being rushed, so good work there. I think the movement could be tweaked to not include that strange delay at the beginning (it feels a little off). I also think that there should be some sounds to reinforce the feel you want to portray. Overall the game feels kind of scary but with a slight rushed comical feel to it. Overall, good work!
