Comments on: masterchief’s P2 – Snow Man Racing Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 12:56:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: boxiom Sun, 26 Oct 2014 23:45:38 +0000 I think you have a pretty consistent game feel going on here which you aught to be proud of. The effects and movement of the avatar correspond well with the silly, dizzy feel. The core game mechanic (that of melting, and putting yourself back together) is intuitive and easily recognizable from the character and pickups. Working out some glitches and giving the player something extra to do between ice cubes would make the game a little more fun to play. Overall though, I like your prototype and what you’ve been able to show.

By: idlapacjt Fri, 24 Oct 2014 17:07:25 +0000 I really like the melting effect. It looks and feels good, it gives me a sense of urgency to get the ice cubes. The ice cubes look good but I’m not sure why they are in the air – seems arbitrary. The music seems kinda random. The jump is cool and interesting but it doesn’t add much to the game or the feel. I really the concept. Something cool could come from this. Some more “rules” and a better defined goal would help a lot.

By: thievenstealburg Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:49:45 +0000 Playing this game added a fun level of stress as you, the snowman, tried not to melt. The animations of the snowman (getting smaller and melting) were well done and added a sense of urgency to the game. Going forward with the game, I would recommend having the ice cubes respawn. Currently, it appears that the ice cubes do not come back after you pick them up, leaving the snowman to inevitably melt. I also think the jumping animations could be refined or redone. The snow balls flying everywhere looked cool, but the animation itself seemed out of place and didn’t really fit in with the winter/snow theme.

By: ninebolt Fri, 24 Oct 2014 00:43:23 +0000 I like all of the sound effects in the game. They all seemed to fit in very well with each other and the background music was catchy.

You also did a great job capturing a silly feel in the game with the crazy jumps and the wobbling snowman’s head. However, I didn’t get a dizzy feeling from the game. The snowman never felt dizzy, just hard to control. I think you should keep the concept and rebrand it to be about the snowman getting less fun as time goes on and he melts. When he’s at full strength, the jumps can be crazy and his head can go everywhere, but when he is close to melting, the jumps are smaller and normal and his head is just sagging.

By: thisisaname Wed, 22 Oct 2014 22:59:07 +0000 I unfortunately can’t say I found much fun in this prototype. It’s frustrating and unintuitive to aim jumps, and the general feeling isn’t that fast despite allegedly being a racing game. You don’t need to stick to one of the game feelings from P1 to follow the definition of game feel. There is some polish in terms of textures and environment, but the music is headache-inducingly repetitive and despite capturing the feeling of dizziness in both control and animation, the experience is far from enjoyable in my opinion. I’m also unsure of the lighting choices (there appear to just be point lights in a few places?).
