Comments on: KCHEN34’s Project 2 Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 12:57:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: duetosideeffects Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:30:51 +0000 I like the way the colors around the cube and the music make a dance atmosphere.

I’m not a fan of the way the player moves; the avatar feels a bit too much like a car moving forward and jumping is really hard to get right.

The goal was to make R2D2, but R2D2 is very slow while this robot is very fast. This is R2D2 using nitrous oxide (N2O) as fuel.

Most of the interactions enforce a dance atmosphere feel more than the feel of controlling R2D2.

By: bear Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:54:34 +0000 I like the idea of the game. It is simplistic and fun for the player to spend a few minutes trying to reach the goal. I also like the cool colors and particle effects of the cubes to collect. I like the metal texture of the platforms too to add to the futuristic feel.
I’m not sure what R2D2 sounds like, but perhaps adding a movement sound of wheels moving on the floor or other robot sounds would really add to the player feeling like the robot. Also having the arms move or some type of animation when the player jumps and a thump sound indicating weight would add to the robot feel. I wasn’t able to make it very far up, but if you had some kind of gradient effect as the player gets closer to the top, it would add to the effect that the environment is changing. Right now, the screen looks the same even as the player moves higher in the world. For example, you could have the platforms slowly changing colors or some bright light getting brighter.
I like the idea of the challenge being timed. However, there are some parts of the game that could happen faster. For example, the amount of time you have the watch the player fall into the abyss is too long, I think. It makes the game less fun if you are falling all the time and have to wait over and over again.

By: baguettebaguette Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:09:01 +0000 I really enjoyed playing this game. It is a simple, yet fun platformer that got me addicted to reach the top, which was really hard to do! I enjoyed the feel of the character and its interaction with the levels. The character was relatively easy to control, yet still somewhat challenging enough so that I couldn’t easily make every jump. The spacing of the platforms combined with that movement of the character made me over and under jump platforms fairly often. It added to the suspense and anxiety of the game as I got to the higher levels where they platforms get further apart. I kept wanting to reach that big golden cube at the top!

Like I said, I really enjoyed this game. The only few things I would say that it could improve on is maybe making it a little bit shorter. The first half of the game is pretty repetitive until you get to some harder jumps. It would also be really cool to have some special cubes that not only gave you a score boost but maybe some type of character control modification.

By: starlord Thu, 23 Oct 2014 01:33:34 +0000 I like the idea of having a time limit, especially for a platformer like this. It is a good way to add difficulty, since it gives the player a sense of urgency and makes them more likely to mess up. This works well with the high scores, since it forces the player to rush if they want to beat their previous high score. I like the particle effects on the cubes, that looked really good.

The character does feel like a robot with it’s slightly jerky movements, but I think the game would feel better to control if you made it a little smoother and gave the player a little more control in the air. The textures are nice, but I’m not sure the music fits. You also may want a sound when the player lands. You have one when the player jumps, so one when they land would be nice too.
