Comments on: inttruth Assignment P2 Video Game Design and Architecture Sat, 25 Oct 2014 04:55:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: bordemin Sat, 25 Oct 2014 04:55:05 +0000 I really like the music, it fits really well. I think your environment is really cool, I used to do track, so seeing your game is really exciting. I love the sound effects of the player getting tired and its funny when he knocks over the hurdles.

When the player is not out of breath, I can’t tell if the way he moves in increments is on purpose or not. I don’t get much feel from this, mostly I’m just like why won’t he keep moving?! I think it would be cool if you added some more sound effects for when he bumps into hurdles or other players.

Overall, I think you did really well. One of my favorite things in Unity is level design, I get many things from the asset store and blendswap( free .blend files that unity imports really easily when you drag and drop the file into ur project). If you’re interested, I’m sure you could modify this stadium to look like a track stadium

By: wrobert666 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:08:32 +0000 The first thing I noticed is he music which is great, fun and light-hearted. It really sets the tempo as fast paced while still keeping the game feel light and slightly silly.

The controls are responsive which is good especially for a runner in a game.

The game mechanic is challenging and keeps things interesting, I like how the other runners have their own speeds to give it a better feel of a race. I like the idea of having the player get tired (because running is hard) but I think it would add a lot of they could control how fast they run and make it so that they can pace themselves so they don’t run out of steam so quickly. I think that would give the player a greater sense of control.

By: paintblade Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:10:28 +0000 I like the atmosphere to the game. The music, race track, sounds, and story in your description fit very well together. The game welcomes creativity to win the race, and this is the only racing game where I could win by going backwards to the finish line, which is absolutely awesome! 🙂 The main thing that seems missing is a sense of challenge. Even if the main character tires out often, he still jumps faster than the AI’s can run. While challenging at first, it was easy once I figured it out. One idea could be an angry coach on the lookout for the main character’s trickery, or maybe the AI’s don’t play by the rules. Ultimately, it is up to you, but this is a fun game that feels just as creative as its gameplay.

By: cloudkicker Fri, 24 Oct 2014 00:31:27 +0000 I really liked the way all of the game feel elements combine to make it really feel like you’re racing around a track. The breathing sound effects and the music its self create a frantic feel like time is almost running out and I need to complete a goal quickly. The “tired” state really did feel tired due to the complete lack of movement you could input to the character. The bright colors/lights also added to the racing feel, I felt like I was actually out in a track field.

Some things that you might want to consider adding to enhance the various feels are perhaps some particle effects when jumping/landing like some dusty clay or something that shoots out from the character. That would really enhance the realism and place the player in the shoes of their avatar even more.

Overall this was a very awesome project. I think this could be taken to extremely interesting places if you added a few more features/feel mechanics and enhanced the AI to perhaps interact with the player or respond to their movements. But very good job.

By: anon101 Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:52:54 +0000 The environmental polish is great in your game. The light-hearted music gives a strong sense of urgency, but without stressing the player. By having a vivid and natural environment with NPCs to compete against, the player has a clear goal of what to do and how to do it. I particularly liked the character control and the occasional huff-puff sound effect when the player grew tired.

To help convey the gamefeel even more, it might be good to add some minimal animations to the character. Moving the arms in a running motions gives the player a sense of how fast the character. You could slow them down as the character got closer to the tired state.

Overall, great work on making a light-hearted and fun game!
