Comments on: Hedgehog P2 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 11:53:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: squarehelius Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:12:24 +0000 I really like the game idea. Such easy-to-learn, hard-to-master game as yours with endless goal would be really addictive and time-consuming :D. The candle and background music are good polish for the game feel. But other than those, I don’t feel that much in terms of game feel. And there are several aspects to improve. The right click is definitely an issue for web-based game, maybe you can use the middle button or some keys. Another issue is that it seems easier to just use jump to move up instead of using the ropes. The ropes are really hard to use as your movement in the mid-air is pretty slow and it takes time to have enough kinetic energy for the character to jump by utilizing the rope. Though the idea is really good, but if this is for a really product-level game, I doubt if the users would use the rope. But if you solve those issues, it is really a good game.

By: skro Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:26:42 +0000 It’s possible that if I had a mouse things would be different, but as is the controls are very difficult. I occasionally could get going and when I did the game was fun, but usually I found myself either falling off or bugging out. I like the way the ropes look and feel, but they are buggy. Also I don’t think that the platforms need to be moving all the time. Maybe make some move and others be stationary in a puzzle. The idea overall is a good one though.

By: patches Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:11:59 +0000 I like the game mechanic that you made in this game. I, too, would say that in previous games grappling mechanics are relatively fun to play with. Ones that come to mind are Mario and Zelda. I think the moving platforms kind of took away a little bit from playing with it, as platforms would randomly disappear. I would have also liked to play around more with the secondary rope, but since WordPress/Unity made the difficult, I wasn’t able to see how well the interaction of 2 ropes felt. I think the one thing I’d like to see going into the next iteration would be the ability to move up and down on the ropes. Also, movement in general seems difficult, so making that overall easier would definitely help the game feel a little too.

By: thisisaname Wed, 22 Oct 2014 23:29:12 +0000 The platform movement left as soon as this loads is an issue given you start fairly close to falling off the platform, which is a bit of an issue. The feel of the ‘rope’ is about right and feels good for swinging when it actually works, but a few issues (length not corresponding properly to distance, being wide enough to look like a cloth, not always connecting) detract heavily from the feel of the game. Just playing as a ball with no real situational reason for it feels a little dry as well, a more humanoid (even if capsuley or boxey) could probably help add to polish. The platforms also vanish a bit too fast to easily get the hang of the mechanics, but presumably in a game this wouldn’t be as much of an issue.
