Comments on: Cloudkicker – P2 – Be A Jerk Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:26:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: wrobert666 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:26:40 +0000 The polish in your game is excellent. The sounds and the particle systems jump out to me first. The sounds are spot on for the feeling of these heavy metals and bricks colliding and they are familiar enough to really draw on the memory of the player, while the particle systems work so well as sparks to make the player feel the intensity of the scraping of the materials. Also, the power up is satisfying in its display and its results. You feel more powerful and there are so many pretty colors.

One thing I think could add to the game is having the avatar gain speed more slowly. From its interactions with the other objects, I feel it is heavy and I don’t expect to be quite so nimble. Also, I think a more open/destructible level would be more fun, demolition more than obstacle course.

By: mebibyte Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:26:44 +0000 The interactions between the avatar and the environment through sounds, particles, and movement portray a strong game feel, but the controls don’t exactly match up. I feel like the character moves too quickly for his strength. This also made it hard to stay on the platforms.

The powerups provided nice changes to encourage continued exploring, but I feel like there should be an overall bottom platform that you can’t destroy with the second powerup, because you can destroy the original spawn platform and fall in a loop forever.

By: jukesofhazard Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:09:59 +0000 This game is great! The player really feels like it’s made of a solid, heavy metal, and crashing into walls and the ground feels resoundingly powerful. I think that the platforms being so narrow inflates the difficulty of the game, since the player is controlled so sluggishly, so maybe a more sandbox-destruction environment would be more fun to play in. You did a great job with the game feel, though!

By: paintblade Fri, 24 Oct 2014 06:48:04 +0000 Cool concept! Great power ups! The jump is smooth yet challenging, and the camera shake’s awesomeness is second only to the invigorating feel of kicking around and breaking everything (even the platforms 🙂 ). However, if I take the purple powerup, accidentally die, and the powerup expires, I won’t be able to finish the level. Also, I cannot jump off a brick wall. I had a lot of fun playing the game and believe it has many possibilities to come. Perhaps one suggestion would be to reward combos with extra destruction power. Good work!

By: anon101 Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:35:29 +0000 Your game has a very clear game feel. The environmental polish of lighting, particle, and sound effects really add to this particular feel. Camera shakes, character build, and character movement really gave me a sense of how strong I was. Even the texture of the boulders gave a visual sense of rigidity to both the obstacles and how tough the main character was.

To help increase this sense of strength/anger in your game, maybe adding a rock/metal-like soundtrack would help. This might give the player a sense of urgency to run through the level smashing objects and being a jerk.

Overall, good use of the techniques we learned in class to convey game feel!
