Comments on: Stonewall – Project 2 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:00:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: hedgehog Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:00:42 +0000 I really like this idea of floating around in space with all directions of movement. Even though you can go in any direction, it is not too difficult to control. The feel of the game is also really good, as I feel like I’m floating in space. The controls have that sliding feel since the movement is by jetpacks, which I think is fitting. The jetpack sound also really helps in this aspect.

The parts that could be improved upon I think are that the floating barrels often are hard to distinguish from the stars. They have a similar size and color so at a glance they aren’t that different. Also, something that I think would possibly add to the feel of the game is possibly a slight back propulsion when shooting, similar to movement since it is space and that should have some effect.

By: squarehelius Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:21:59 +0000 I really like the game idea and the game feel enhanced by the movement in the zero gravity setting, the space-electronic like background music. I also like the functionality to switch between 1st and 3rd person which makes the game much easier to control. On the improvement side, the range of the gun could be a little bit longer to make it more useful and the movement of the character could be a little bit easier to control in terms of the zero gravity. I am not sure if I am just a bad player in your game, but it is pretty hard for me to collect the trash.
Overall, it’s really good job.

By: masterchief Fri, 24 Oct 2014 06:51:59 +0000 The controls and feel of this game were really great. I definitely got disoriented a bit trying to navigate around but after a while I got used to it and it was a blast to control. I think the tracking gun could be a little longer range to be more useful, and the objectives in the game could be more clear, but that wasn’t really the goal of this assignment. Overall great job!

By: skro Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:38:37 +0000 This game is fun and well designed. The space feel is on point, as the character really does float around in a pleasantly disorienting manner. The ability to slow yourself down is particularly intuitive. I don’t recall ever having encountered that mechanic before.

Overall I think the game is fun but could benefit from the ability to use a controller to play. There’s a lot of controls and it can be awkward, particularly without a mouse. That and some more level design, maybe some puzzles to solve or something, would constitute a little going a long way for this game.

By: patches Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:01:17 +0000 I must say that I absolutely love the feel of this game. The movement makes you feel like you’re in space, since you don’t really ever lose the momentum that you have once you start moving. Implementing the tab to slow to a stop was ingenious just to help master the movement; without it, I’d be flying off into oblivion. The rotating mechanic is definitely disorienting, and doesn’t really add much to game play, but definitely adds a lot to the space feeling. Lastly, I like how the magnet gun is extremely intuitive to use, click+hold to magnetize, single click to shoot it off into space. The game feel is just perfect.

Having the switch between 1st and 3rd person really helps see the difference in how the game plays in each mode, and personally, I think the game could stay in 1st person and utilize the extra button as a World view to see where are in relation to other elements in the game. Additionally, if you were to work further on this game, I would like to see a timer implemented maybe to see how quickly you can clean up the debris or how much can you clear in a set amount of time.
