Comments on: Kloudy’s P2 “Gasket” Prototype Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 12:59:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: pineapple Fri, 24 Oct 2014 05:54:31 +0000 Nice work! I think you’ve done a great job with the shooting feeling (recoil effect, sound, slight inaccuracy). It’s a good prototype, but I would echo one of the previous commenters and say that since there’s not much interaction with the game space, the game feel is a little lacking in department. However the avatar polish is really nice and I think you can build a very cool game off of this prototype!

By: doomturtle Fri, 24 Oct 2014 05:45:52 +0000 This is the only shooter that I have seen. The sound effects, recoil, and seemingly random spray of bullets create a nice illusion of shooting. The sound that plays when I complete a circle makes me feel like I have accomplished something. It feels weird when I try to aim the gun and the aiming reticle moves more slowly than the mouse. It’s kind of like shooters on the Wii where your reticle on the screen doesn’t quote follow where you actually intend to aim. It takes away from the illusion. Nice fractal.

By: npai Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:59:58 +0000 I like this project because it seems very *different*. I do not really know where it is headed, or how it will end up, but I certainly do think that, as a raw idea, it’s pretty cool!

It’s nice to see feedback during shooting, which makes it feel like holding an actual gun. The sounds helped this feeling, as well.

Speaking of the visuals, I really liked the contrast between the white targets and the growing red spots when they are being hit. It made it look really cool, and it made me remember the contrast in Mirror’s Edge.

One suggestion I would propose is to check up on the bullet mechanics. It appears that shooting once sets a trajectory for those shots, but shooting right afterwards not only changes the current trajectory, but also the trajectory of the previously-shot bullets.

But other than that, it’s a pretty visually stimulating prototype, and I am curious to see more!

By: shyp Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:50:56 +0000 I like your idea and the camera shake and the sound effect gives a sense of game feel. It might be interesting to add other elements to the game such as the player actually being able to move back and forth a little bit or adding wind speed to make the bullets curve. The targets look very cool by the way 🙂

By: gglppi Thu, 23 Oct 2014 23:05:53 +0000 Cool idea and well implemented. Nice sound effects and polish; I feel that actual gamefeel is somewhat lacking on this though, since there isn’t really any sense of simulated space for the player (since you can’t really collide with anything). I think a game that used this mechanic that had an actual simulated level could be cool, though perhaps you might want to have less targets otherwise it might get tedious.
