Comments on: happypandafrand – P2 Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 12:59:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: overload3d Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:05:11 +0000 I like the feeling of crashing into things as the truck. It’s size, speed, and the objects’ response is very satisfying. I do wish there was more to this prototype. Engine sounds, damage sounds, background music? Also, the low speed truck rotation wasn’t realistic(not that it really matters though) I really like the texture use in this prototype, I’m amazed how well simple cubes can look with a good texture.

By: captaincmy Fri, 24 Oct 2014 00:07:03 +0000 The feel of the truck is very heavy which is good since you are playing as a semi-truck. The fact that the objects fly around gives the game more of a feel of power. Really good building, I would make the front of the truck more visible though. At first I thought I was a shipping container. Good Job!

By: valirek Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:07:15 +0000 I like the feel of the truck in general very much. It feels weighty and turns with a radius that makes sense for the truck. I also love how the objects you hit fly far when you hit them, further emphasizing force (plus the added hit sound). In total the feel of a weighty truck is definitely captured. I would suggest adding a truck engine noise or background noise in general (it can get quiet when not hitting objects) and also working on the collisions because sometimes a single ball can take out almost all of your health. Besides that the feel is captured really well, the building texture is very nice, and the controls fit the image you are trying to portray. Awesome job!

By: verryberry1 Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:54:13 +0000 The truck driving game is very far from being fully implemented. The concept is nice, but there is little of that concept to be seen from the play test so it’s hard to judge how it would actually play. It is fun running into the balls and knocking them around, but the collision seems to occur more than once per hit, so you sometimes lose more health than you expect. The delivery location is obvious, but I had thought there would be a road of some sort, and hitting R to reset did not reset the cash amount. The graphics for the store looked well done, but I couldn’t see if there was an actual truck attached to the trailer I was driving. I felt like I should be able to move the camera around with the mouse to get a better view of the store, but the camera doesn’t rotate. Overall, good job!
