Comments on: Bear’s P2 – The Walking Dead: Georgia Tech Edition Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:23:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: duetosideeffects Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:23:25 +0000 I like the familiarity of the setting and the controls.

As a tech demo, there wasn’t much to show. There should have been a more apparent goal for the prototype to have, i.e. controls, gameplay, AI.

The current game does make me want to avoid the zombies because I know that they are zombies, but there are unfortunately nothing else enforcing that.

Unfortunately, there is very little polish.

By: mulletman Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:44:44 +0000 I like the idea for this game. If implemented properly, this could be really fun to play. The core game mechanics seem to be fleshed out so adding polish and fine-tuning the zombie movement would probably be all you need. You already noted this in your description with the mention of complicated detected patterns and the run/chase dynamic. Music or just general zombie groans would be nice to have playing in the background to add to the feel.

By: baguettebaguette Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:03:14 +0000 I enjoyed playing around with this game. I love the idea of a zombie game where the zombies chase you around. Adding a ‘sneakiness’ aspect to it was really cool too. It feels like the walking dead where people will slowly walk though zombies and they don’t seem to notice them. I think the character has quite good movement feel, being able to walk and run while still being controllable is very nice. I like where you’ve started to go for the level, it actually is beginning to feel like the gatech campus, with a campanile it would feel like we were really there!

I feel like the game feel would really benefit from a more well defined goal. Having a destination to reach in a certain amount of time would make me feel a lot more anxious than just running around.

By: starlord Thu, 23 Oct 2014 00:55:48 +0000 The zombies were really cool. I liked how the chasing was implemented, where they come after you if you go too fast. The way they swarm around you when you die is cool too, and the eating sound effect is nice. I also thought the level was well made.

I think adding more sound effects would be a good idea. This game doesn’t necessarily need music, but some sort of background noise and some zombie noises would be a good addition. Some walking sounds that reflect how fast the character is going would be nice too. I think the controls could use a little bit of work. I like the idea that you’re going for where zombies chase you if you go too fast, but it’s too hard to control your speed right now. You may want to use a different method, like adding a sprint key or using an analog controller, to control the speed instead of having the player automatically accelerate that much.
