Comments on: baguettebaguette Game Feel P2 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:16:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: duetosideeffects Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:16:29 +0000 I liked how the fog increased as the player collected more coins, which made it harder to progress. The music is very good at conveying a dreamy feel.

I know that the controls are purposely clumsy, but they seem to be way too easy to overshoot every turn.

The goal was to make the character have a dreamy feeling, and that was reasonably accomplished.

By: mulletman Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:09:04 +0000 I liked the music for this game. It helped to convey the dreamy feel quite nicely. The fog effect was also a nice addition. I thought it was cool how the fog thickened as the player picked up coins. This made the game more fun/challenging to play. I found the character difficult to control. It gave me more of a dizzy feel that a dreamy one. Outside of the player movement, everything else seems copacetic.

By: livingled Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:08:08 +0000 “what are some things you LIKED about what they did, and why do you like them?”

The environment and the music are cool. The fogginess… the drearyness. Dead on with the “dreamy” game feel. Reminds me of “dreamy” sections of some of my favorite professionally-produced games.

“what are some specific things that could be improved, and how might they be accomplished?”

If you are moving full speed and then turn, the camera sometimes whips really hard and I don’t feel like I’m in control anymore. I don’t know if it’s just a very high turn speed, or some kind of intentional disortion, but it makes collecting things, at times, sort of frustrating and confusing.

I suspect that this can be remedied by turning down the turn speed for the avatar. If it’s some kind of intentional mechanic – I think it would be good to explain it or remove it as desired.

“do the two motions feel like they meet the assigned “feel”?”

(Note: We didn’t need two motions, so I’ll ignore that part.)

The feels is very dreamy. The environment and polish does a huge number for this, but the avatar’s control does, too. He just sort of drifts along. If I “hit g” (I know it’s not in this assigment, but theoretically), I don’t know if I’d 100% get the “dreamy” feel off the avatar alone, sure – but in context WITH the world, the avatar’s motion makes sense and DOES help the feel.

“do the interaction aspects help create game feel (controls, avatar movement and how it interacts with the world, polish effects used directly to emphasize these interactions).”

I like how it gets more and more dreamy/foggy upon coin collection. That is cool interaction with the world. The avatar doesn’t effect many of the objects in the world upon collision/etc. but that is appropriate, in a dream-like state, I think.

“are the other parts of the prototype (textures, sounds, etc) helping or hurting?”

Helping. The textures and music REALLY help build the dreamy atmosphere – one of the best things about the prototype, currently.

By: starlord Thu, 23 Oct 2014 00:33:46 +0000 I really like that the more coins the player collects, the foggier it gets. I think it’s a nice effect that fits the dreamy feel you’re going for, and I like that it lets the environment show the player’s progress. The music goes pretty well with the feel, although I don’t think the coin collection sound works as well. I think adding some soft sounds for jumps and collisions would go really well with the feel you are trying to portray.

I think the rotation speed should be toned down some. It feels too fast and doesn’t really seem like it fits in well with the rest of the character’s movements. I think you could also make the jump a little bit more floaty to fit the dreamy feel, but it’s still okay the way it is.
