Comments on: verryberry1 – Alice, Go Home! Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:36:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: overload3d Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:36:01 +0000 There were a lot of little things that went into making the scary feel that I liked. All together, the screams, the little hand waving animations, the camera shake especially! all of these made for the “oh dear I need to get out of here!” feeling. I also liked the movement choices for little Alice, however I think this is because regular Alice is so unwieldy, so the only real advantage of using little Alice was the speed/floatiness advantage. I think the only thing that would really add to this prototype would be level interaction. Make certain walls completely unpassable unless the player turns little, and make it very clear to the player when this needs to happen. Also, I think there should be some way for the player to not feel so helpless against the cards (I’ll be having nightmares about those…) maybe big Alice should be able to flatten them?

By: kchen34 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:14:24 +0000 I liked your game! The textures and interactions with the cards and pickup objects were great. I also liked the fact that you (I think) purposely put a small gap between the walls for small Alice to go through. I feel like you could have added a way for the player to figure out what direction they should be heading, because I felt lost for most of the time I was playing it. That being said, I did enjoy playing it. The cards were really cool and believable, and Alice’s player object was well made. I think you could have chosen better sound effects, but I understand we are limited to the choices of sounds that we have. That being said, good job on the prototype!

By: munkahunkus Fri, 24 Oct 2014 01:57:56 +0000 With regards to game feel, I felt that the graphical and audio based polish of the prototype was really good. The background audio was eery and Alice’s screams were unsettling in a mentally unhinged sort of way. The textures and models used for objects in the game conveyed identity really well. I thought the way Alice is controlled could use a different feel. A core mechanic of the game is that the card guards are bad and you should run from them, but the controls make this arbitrarily difficult, as Alice has to be steered in order to change directions. Also, because the game is maze based, maybe a lower camera or higher walls to limit the ability to navigate would be a better fit. Again, nice job on the atmosphere of the game.
