Comments on: Wolverine – P2 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:24:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: warl0ck Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:24:51 +0000 The idea of this game is really cool, the flying control is well done and the object collection mechanic is solid, the sounds and overall level setting is pretty spot on. I also really like the background story setting you have for the entire game, it gives it a nice context!
I have only one criticism here, the main one is that the dive is not really smooth and it feels like you just hit the ground instantly. One cool hack you can use to make it smooth is to use gravity, like the one in the physics prototype, keep it to 0 while you are flying, set it to some value once space is hit, flip its sign(negate it) once you hit the ground and set it back to 0 when you hit the ceiling height again, this should give you the smooth parabola you are looking for!

By: virtuahost Fri, 24 Oct 2014 05:20:48 +0000 From the feel perspective of the game I really felt the phoenix. The idea is pretty awesome with the bird flying around and the gliding. But I felt that the bomb part of the game was not in tune with the phoenix aspect of it. In the Egyptian mythology phoenix stood to represent 2 aspects of life, royalty and rebirth. For some reason the bombing aspect of the game did not feel in tune with either of the aspects. Other than that pretty good job and awesome work on the flying part of the game.

By: gtvgd03 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:20:10 +0000 I think the flying motion and texturing of the avatar helps give it the feel of a phoenix. The motion was definitely smooth like flying, and the audio from swooping helped with the feel of diving and climbing. I think it would help a lot of the animation of the dive was just smoother, you seem to instantly lose a lot of altitude. I like the music and it made the experience peaceful, I think this goes along with the timeline given in the background scenario. I Like that there are enemies but personally never really saw them as any threat, so it would be nice if the were more aggressive or threw thing at the player like spears etc. The rock dropping is a nice touch, but they seemed connected to the player, maybe make them a prefab and instantiate them when the player hits b, then destroy when they hit the ground? I think you got the basic feel down nicely, and I definitely wanted to keep playing to master it.

By: heptad Fri, 24 Oct 2014 02:29:18 +0000 The flying motion is very smooth and I like that the phoenix has multiple possible interactions with its movement and environment. I found it difficult to dive, however, because I couldn’t see what was directly below and there was know graphical representation of the phoenix swooping down – I was just there. It was also a little difficult to shoot rocks, maybe if the collision around the hunters/collectibles was a little larger so swooping and dropping rocks was easier to achieve? I like that you put together a scene for things to take place in and an objective – to enable the phoenix to resurrect. That definitely lended to the idea of being a phoenix. The music was great, but I wasn’t sure what the rock noise was (it sounded like a gun shot) and the background would have looked a bit more polish if you used a skybox on the camera and removed any texture from the walls. That way it would be more convincing that the phoenix can fly freely.

By: student89 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 02:10:12 +0000 I liked the gliding movement of the bird character in your game and mastering the collection of pickups is fun! Your game is a bit addictive which is nice. Just that I feel that instead of spheres you could have some other objects/creatures to better show the bird’s enemies like maybe some creatures running towards the bird to kill it.
