Comments on: P2 – heptad Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:23:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: letsplay Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:23:45 +0000 I really like the idea of having two avatars and using them for assisting each other. Also, the game is simple but addictive. I kept playing it a number of times to beat my own score. And the animation and polish effects are really good. The big ball animation and squeezing effect gives it the feel of elasticity and the fast short ball with a trail behind it gives a good feel of fast sharp bullet. Few improvements that I think could be made are starting with the smaller ball, so that player has something to play with from the beginning itself and then switch to second avatar as he realizes his incapability to collect the object. Also, another thing I noticed that while trying to collect objects, I wasn’t able to move close to the level (this is I think is because the colliders set are quite large than the level itself). So, maybe making them little smaller may help improve the collecting capability and add more fun to this already exciting game.

By: warl0ck Fri, 24 Oct 2014 06:01:52 +0000 Having one avatar, help another one is a really cool idea, the simple 2D implementation is really clean and creates a really satisfactory game from the simple mechanics, that was the best part for me.
Also, you made a really simplistic character(its just a circle) but you were able to convey all the game feel really well!
This game actually has a lot of potential if the two behaviors are balanced out correctly, i.e both help out each other equally, complemented with good level design it can really shine!

By: virtuahost Fri, 24 Oct 2014 05:29:46 +0000 The presentation and the effects of the game are very well done. I especially liked the way sparkle effects came off the mode 2 avatar. Sound effects are very well done and appropriate. While the idea is great to have 2 different ways of playing in the same play through, I guess the difficulty is in balancing the entire system to make both systems to be equally important while one system not being too strong. Here while playing I always felt that the avatar mode 2 was always a lot more stronger. Which meant I was always switching to mode 2 to move around and switching back to 1 to only collect the boxes.

By: gtvgd03 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:41:14 +0000 I like the simple 2d design here, and the use of 2 different characters. I also like that you need to use the second character to unlock the jump for the first. I think the two characters complement each other nicely. The movement of the second character definitely gives more of a flying feel than the first, although in my opinion it actually moves too well, making it too easy to get the powerups. I think you did a nice job with the animation of the first character in the jumps and like how it “sticks” to the walls and sides of platforms. Intentional or not, you seem to be able to jump sometimes off these walls, it would be cool to have a wall jumping mechanic. I like the proposed relation of the avatars and to further show the 2nd avatars fairy like state and help to make its movement slightly more challenging it could be more floaty with a slight gravity applied and possible have some small random movements. I think the music complements the game nicely. It is also very simple but very effective in my opinion. Overall, I like what you’ve done with a simple concept and I think the way you’re going with the duo dynamic is really nice.

By: student89 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 02:24:42 +0000 Its good that you haven’t gone for something big to implement because doing that in a short span of time is difficult. I liked your idea of making the avatar collect objects spawning at random places and I liked the particle effect thing you did on the avatar.

But one thing I noticed is that I am able to move only the Avatar 2 above the bottom floor but not the Avatar 1. Also the jump doesn’t seem to work. Maybe you could fix this (think this happens because you used beta version of unity)
