Comments on: P2 davidscz Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 13:00:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: kchen34 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:56:46 +0000 I like the sound effects and your controls in this game, but I think that there could be a little more to do, or a bit more interaction. The concept is clever and funny, and the background of the level is pretty cool. As for game feel, I think you did pretty well if you were going for nimble. I think you could have added more polish to the game, as it was really short and kind of got boring after about 10 seconds, which is way too quick even for a short project like this. The textures could also be improved.

By: munkahunkus Fri, 24 Oct 2014 00:27:14 +0000 I agree with the first commenter, this game has a very light tone. The music really helps with that, playing this game with headphones is pretty nice. I think the way you implemented your jumping works really well; jumps are tight and it’s pretty easy to interpret where the player will land, which is important, considering your game is timed. I’m not sure the point and shoot controls that are used to navigate the avatar are the best fit for a timed game, as they feel very precise, but too stiff to react to a moving target. I kind of wished there was more interaction between the avatar and the world, like a trampoline or something to enhance the game’s jumping mechanic.

By: baguettebaguette Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:28:14 +0000 I enjoyed the feel of this game, the movement of the character married nicely with the overall light and enjoyable feel of the game. The character was nimble and enjoyable to use, but also not so easy that I could hit every platform the first time. The music and atmosphere of the level helped the game to have a relaxed feel.

I think there is a lot of room to improve the overall feel of the game by adding more interaction to the level. Putting a time limit or adding some interaction that works against you would make me feel more pressured into beating the game.
