Comments on: ExpertCoderP2 – TheGreatEscape Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 12:59:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: goillinois Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:56:58 +0000 Nice game ! The scary game feel is very easy to get due to the dark environment and the background music. I like the idea of using flashlight to find the clues and set the timer. The interior of room is well designed and so are the clues. The only thing I think you might want to improve is to add more hits to guid the player to find the clues. Right now, we can only get the arrow for finding the first clue. But due to the time limit, it is pretty hard for player to find these clues in time. Another thing is that you might want to make the clues are related to each other so that the puzzle feeling of the game could be more obvious and also make the game more logic and interesting to play. Anyway, very awesome designed game !

By: techgamer Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:42:12 +0000 I am personally a puzzle game lover. The atmosphere is just right for such a game in this setting. The idea of providing a timed flashlight makes this game even more interesting. When I first played the game, I did not realize I should turn off the light to save energy when I was thinking about the math problem. I think it might be helpful to switch music when player comes up with a correct solution. Also, it would be great if the battery of flashlight could be somehow recharged. Anyway, the level of the puzzle is well designed!

By: heptad Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:08:22 +0000 I like the music and atmosphere, it lends very well to the player using their flashlight to find clues. I would have liked to see a couple of different endings – including a good ending for performing particularly quickly or well. Maybe something alluding to another, future level? Maybe a body, or mysterious object to push the idea of being in a haunted house full of clues and secrets? Otherwise, the controls work very well and make for a fun mini survival horror. I definitely had to think about using the flashlight strategically.

By: wolverine Thu, 23 Oct 2014 23:06:43 +0000 I like the feel of turning the flashlight around with the cursor. The rickety haunted environment and objects are well situated and complement the theme. However, the restriction of the view and the slow movement makes it a little hard to navigate in the world. Adding an option to switch to a zoomed out camera view would help. Also adding a mode where the character can go faster would help. Getting to the goal in the provided time needs mastery, so the challenge is good. The clues are also well thought for the prototype. The help text along with the text on the wall is good accessibility. A well planned and mysterious game.

By: montspy Thu, 23 Oct 2014 22:29:54 +0000 Nice scary game feel. I liked the puzzles and horror mix.
Maybe add interactions. The only thing we are doing is moving (slowly).
More polish for the interactions would be great (when finding a clue, opening the door)…
