Comments on: warl0ck’s Game Feel P2 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:02:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: letsplay Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:02:11 +0000 I liked the game concept and slowmo feature. Also, the laser animations and sound effects gel very well with the feel the game is trying to provide. Few things I think which could be improved are making it little easier to play ;).. may be.. as I tried playing it a number of times and wasn’t quite able to move the player properly and reach the target. Hat would just get blown off. Also, after the hat gets blown off, the bullets still keep shooting. Hence, keeping the screen live so, I was expecting that may be something else would happen and make my character move again. So, may be making the entire environment stagnant after the hat is blown off, just to let the player know that the game has got over now.

By: virtuahost Fri, 24 Oct 2014 05:43:00 +0000 The moment I read the game description it brought a smile to my face. Good old Max Payne 🙂 :). The game prototype is very nicely made and the idea is communicated very clearly, but the best part of the game idea ,which I liked, was the google cardboard implementation. That would be so cool. My only complaint as of now is that the prototype is difficult to play.

By: student89 Fri, 24 Oct 2014 01:07:20 +0000 The idea of your game is great. I like the idea of making the character to dodge or move backwards to avoid the lasers. A good thing about your game is it is addictive. You try to play it again and again until you succeed.

Apart from this, I feel the control of your game is a bit difficult. Probably the camera orientation could be changed so that the user finds out easily that the laser is coming towards him.

By: expertcoder Thu, 23 Oct 2014 23:50:55 +0000 I love the concept and what you are trying to do, but it is a really hard game to play. And even though I slowed time down and did try to bend, I lost my hat of power.
The laser concept and interactions are good. Nice animations. The slow motion concept in itself is really interesting. Very Matrix.
I tried to dodge the bullets but the slow mo bend time of the character is too less to start bending at the instant the bullets are fired.

By: freya Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:44:24 +0000 This is a really neat concept. Time manipulation is a cool idea. I have to say, it was really difficult for me to control the character. Maybe I’m lacking the necessary coordination. The polish effect you added are great! I like the red streaked bullets and the way the hat flies off when hit. However, I’m having difficulty establishing a feel.
