Comments on: Hedgehog’s P1 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:43:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: doomturtle Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:43:48 +0000 The first state feels scared/weak. I think that the black background, the shaking, and the bouncing off of blocks with a yelp help with that. The ease with which blocks can be knocked away in the second state helps to convey strong. The second state does not feel dreamy to me. I think that rotating camera could accomplish that for some people, but it doesn’t work for me. Some of the colors in the second state feel a bit dark.

I enjoy knocking blocks around.

By: npai Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:50:09 +0000 This was a nice demonstration of making a game *feel* a certain way!

For your Scared/Weak mode, I really liked the idea of making the level pitch-black. It made me, the player, feel pretty uneasy and, dare I say, a bit scared. The addition of the rapid breathing was also a *huge* plus, since it relayed that feeling of being frightened even more! It honestly made me think of games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil – and I hereby blame you for making me want to go and play them now! The addition of the enemies was also a nice touch, clearly making the character react to its environment based on how it was feeling.

As for the second mode (Dreamy/Strong), I would not have thought of combining those two feelings together, but you seem to have pulled it off rather well! The rotating camera is a cool feature, since it relays the feeling of dizziness without completely inhibiting the movement of the player, which keeps the game fun! And the fact that you can punch the boxes away with ease certainly makes the character feel strong. Your description suggests a “dreamlike” state as the motivation, and I can totally see that – a dream where you feel rather dizzy, but also powerful and a bit numb to pain. That is how some dreams feel like, and I think that you relayed that very well.

The only major suggestion I would make is for you to reduce the speed of the player in the scared/weak mode. You built up the atmosphere of this terrified state very well (with the darkness and the breathing), but that illusion is not as effective when the player can easily move around at great speeds. If the character moved really slowly, then this would complement the heavy/shaky breathing sounds, and would really feel like a scary horror game.

That said, I still think that you did very well at making the two modes express their own distinct feels. Well done!

By: stonewall Fri, 17 Oct 2014 01:56:27 +0000 I think you were very creative with the scared and dreamy implementation. The darkness and the shaking are well done. If I have any criticism for this feel it’s that the knockback after collision is a bit floaty.
I love your dreamy feel. The moving of the camera is silly and lackadaisical and the color change really cements it. I wish there was some sort of animation on the avatar, but I’m not sure what it would be.

By: shyp Wed, 15 Oct 2014 18:31:40 +0000 I really liked your project, especially the sound effects and the camera. Your sound effects adds so much game feel to the game, and the camera for the second room adds a very strong dreamlike mood. I also noticed how the boxes change color in the dreamlike mood. I can’t really think of much to improve. Maybe you could find a sound effect that matches the scared girl’s voice when colliding instead of the thick male voice you have right now.

By: lion Tue, 14 Oct 2014 21:07:13 +0000 Hey Hedgehog,
Creating a dark room for scared is very unique. The dream-like room is even better. The camera rotations and color change is well thought out and creative. Overall, I think the polish in this game is very good.
If I could make one recommendation, it seems like polish and collisions are the only difference in the two characters. This is fine, since they are well done! But it would be even better if they moved according to their personalities.
Also, I think there is a bit of a bug: the character simply disappears if I jump and bounce on top of a block .
Overall, super creative and well implemented!
