Comments on: doomturtle’s P1 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:45:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: bossman Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:45:38 +0000 The spherical planet ground is pretty cool. Its very satisfying to roll around. I like how you overlayed the world so the player doesn’t get disoriented.

I think you need to reconsider the features of the strong/aggressive feel. The teleporting doesn’t really add any particular feel. Maybe having a different acceleration or deceleration between the two modes to convey some kind of momentum would help.

The avatar movement is alright for expressing feeling, but being just a sphere its hard to feel much from it.

The pink texture does give a joyful feeling, so some of your polish effects added to the feel pretty well.

By: pineapple Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:11:52 +0000 This is a very interesting concept for this project, unlike many other ones people have submitted. I think you’ve done a good job with differentiating feel with the avatar, but I think having more interaction with game world objects would really help solidify the feels. For aggressive and strong – the strong feel definitely comes across in the movement of the avatar. One can interpret aggressiveness as well, but I think having objects to interact with would make that a little more clear. The teleportation is cool, but I’m not sure how much it adds to the aggressive-strong feel. For joyful and nimble – again, the movement does a good job conveying feel, particularly nimble. The color of the ball and the music help establish joyfulness too, but it’s not as apparent as it could be. Overall, very cool concept!

By: jukesofhazard Fri, 17 Oct 2014 06:35:59 +0000 I love how unique the playing field is. The change from rectangles and a flat plane is refreshing! I had a hard time relating the movement of the sphere to feels, though. The color changes and stiffness of the two jump types is nice, but I don’t think I’d have been able to guess the two feels without being told ahead of time.

By: demmina Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:46:19 +0000 The design of this prototype is really fun. I like the concept and feel its a really interesting way to implement this assignment.

For Aggressive/Strong, I am getting a very large strong vibe from the way the character move, though I feel the teleport mechanic does not really add anything. The polish of the musics and the texture on the character really helps with that as well. I can’t really see aggressive though. I guess you could say the music does portray it a little bit because it sounds kinda thuggish, like a rap street song, but its hard to get that feeling other wise.

I really like joyful/nimble, the way the character moves is much easier and the jumping are really good. Really good choice again with the polish effects. I feel this one does a better job of portraying what you are suppose to be feeling than the other one does.

Over all really good prototype.

By: kloudy Thu, 16 Oct 2014 19:22:41 +0000 I like how you came up with your own unique design to the game. One of the things I especially like about this is how momentum really plays a huge role in how the movement feels . In the aggressive/strong mode it takes the ball a pretty long amount of time to slow down or change directions. In the nimble/joyful mode its much easier to change directions quickly. The sounds of the ball hitting the surface helps with the feel also.

I think if you were to add some kind of particles when the ball lands in aggressive mode it would help with the polish a little more. I can’t really tell a difference in the game when I toggle ‘g’ to turn off/on the polish.

All in all a good implementation.

By: gglppi Wed, 15 Oct 2014 18:24:23 +0000 The spherical playing field is pretty neat.

I don’t really see how the teleport mechanic conveys ‘aggressiveness’ or ‘strongeness.’ It’s an interesting idea though.

I like how the sphere is more responsive for the nimble feel, and the lighter color helps convey joyfulness. The slower movement of mode 1 does seem to convey ‘strong’, but I don’t really get ‘aggressive’ from it. Perhaps ‘aggressive’ would be easier to feel if the avatars were slightly more complex (affording animations), or if there were enemies (or maybe cities?) that the aggressive sphere could lurch at/attack.
