Comments on: Stonewall – Project 1 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:36:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: doomturtle Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:36:20 +0000 The first state does a good job of showing angry/strong. The thwack sound effect of hitting a block goes well with strong. The music feels angry. The second state does a fantastic job of feeling scared with the shaking and the crying and the bouncing off of objects that he could punch before. I don’t think that the movement of the second state conveys nimble very well. It feels fast, but lacks of maneuverability I think makes that speed counterproductive. To me, nimble means having a high degree of control over what speed you have. In this case, I need to feel like I can turn faster than I can move.

It’s fun knocking blocks around with the thwack sound.

By: pineapple Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:33:11 +0000 Great work! I think you’ve done a great job with both feels and I like how much the environment and the avatar changes between each. For angry and strong – the effects on the avatar work really well and I like how it interacts with the cubes. For scared and nimble – I think the avatar trembling and bouncing back is a great touch. My only feedback would be to differentiate a little more in terms of avatar movement. I know you tried to establish nimble by having the character move faster but I’d suggest adding more, perhaps a faster turn speed or something else, to really show the difference between the two. Awesome job!

By: npai Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:31:40 +0000 I really liked this one!

So, for your first feel (angry/strong) you made your character punch repeatedly – something that I did with mine, too! It was interesting to see how yours was different. I definitely liked how you added the particle effects for making it feel like it was “steaming with anger”. And the addition of the “punching” sound was really cool, too. It added a nice touch to the mechanics, and I wanted to keep walking around and punching things just to hear that satisfying sound. The short jump distance was also appropriate (even though I was unsure about it at first) because the character felt heavier and stronger that way.

For the second feel, I *definitely* loved the idea of making the character jump backwards and scream when hitting the boxes. It actually made the character feel like it was scared! It was a great idea, and it definitely hit the marks of the requirements to make the character react to the environment appropriately. The shaky body was an added plus, making the character seem even more terrified.

The only thing I was unsure about is the slow speed of the rotation of the characters. This especially applies to the angry/strong one, who is really fast, but turns really slow. It felt a bit off, having to wait several seconds to turn around to go punch more boxes. And if you were trying to go for a “heavy” feel with that slow rotation, then I would recommend also reducing the forward speed as well, just to be consistent.

But overall this was really, really cool!

By: gglppi Wed, 15 Oct 2014 18:46:59 +0000 Very nice. I like how he’s steaming when he’s angry, and the jabbing motions are very well done. The particle effects and red texturing augments this feeling well, and punching cubes over feels very strong.

The scared and nimble is very good as well. It’s ambiguous (besides your description) whether he’s sweating or crying while running and shaking, but either way suits your purpose. The shaking animation works very well.

This is very good overall; if I had to pick a weak point I would say that the ‘nimble’ feeling is somewhat lacking. Knowing the list we’re choosing from, ‘nimble’ is the obvious choice to explain why he goes so fast comparatively, but without that context I’m not sure I’d get nimble just from going faster.

By: shyp Wed, 15 Oct 2014 18:27:14 +0000 I like how your characters’ collision reactions are different. It displays each characteristics very well. Also the steams and the sweats and the different colors of the character adds more to the characteristics. Good job with the music choice. One thing you could have improved is the background. It would have added a greater game feel if you added a more realistic background, maybe a red volcano-like background to the angry/strong feel.

By: lion Tue, 14 Oct 2014 20:54:27 +0000 Good job Stonewall.

By far I think my favorite aspects of the game are the steam and the sweat. They really help bring the character to life, as does the shakiness. Its perfectly tuned to not be too jarring.

I wish that you had done something more interesting with the jump. Maybe keep the small jump for strong and add a camera shake. Or maybe have a much higher jump for the scared and nimble guy since he is scared (flight instinct – pun intended).

It’s definitely intuitive that the nimble character is faster. Of course, the different collision reactions are great! I really did not think of doing that in my game feel.
