Comments on: starlord’s Project 1 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:13:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: baguettebaguette Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:13:08 +0000 I felt you really captured the feel of each mode without overuse of graphics or complicated avatars. In the aggressive/powerful mode, the avatar felt heavy and strong. I really loved the jump motion and how quickly the avatar plummeted to the ground once in the air. I also enjoyed the slow acceleration on

I also quite enjoyed the dizzy mode, the motion of the avatar/camera really made me feel dizzy and disoriented. It would have been a really good additional way to really sell this mode to the user by adding some fog or camera blur to disorient the user more and make it feel dreamy.

By: duetosideeffects Fri, 17 Oct 2014 02:53:11 +0000 I like the way the camera shakes when the aggressive avatar lands; it really emphasizes the weight of the avatar. Also, the way the same heavy avatar takes a long time to speed up emphasizes its weight. The camera effect on the dizzy avatar also helps to show dizzy.

The happiness avatar doesn’t seem to have anything to reinforce happiness other than the music. Also, this avatar takes a really long time to accelerate when it seems to be for no reason.

The 2 interactions work reasonably well to reinforce the feels presented. Although, there are seemingly no polish effects.

By: bear Fri, 17 Oct 2014 00:35:11 +0000 Aggressive/Powerful
I like the background music and animation noises, such as the thud when the character lands. the character slides a bit though, which I don’t think adds to the game feel of this scene. I think you should try adding more components to this scene to show the feel. I might be able to guess that the player is powerful because of the thud when he jumps, but I’m not sold on the aggressive mode. I would also suggest adding more things in the world to interact with, since that is an important part of conveying the feels in this scene. For example, you could just add more blocks.

I like the textures you used here for the sky and grass. The camera wobble is also at a good speed that doesn’t disorientate the user. Again, I feel like you could have added more components to convey dreamy. I would suggest adding a fog around the scene. You could also add a faster camera shake or particle effects when the character hits the cube is emphasize the mode.

By: tsa2 Thu, 16 Oct 2014 22:59:44 +0000 I liked the dizzy camera and how the jump was different between the two states. I could tell the difference between the states especially with the music. Without the music, I might not have been able to guess aggression but that is something hard to portray. The dreamy/dizzy state was more obvious and I could tell immediately. I also liked the thump sound when landing in the aggression/powerful state. I could tell that this character seemed more weighty than the other state. For the aggression, that would be cool if you could add a sound like an angry yell or something when the character collides with the box. I could really tell the different states based on the movement and how the character jumped. I think you did a great job of conveying the differences of the two states.

By: kchen34 Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:50:53 +0000 I liked the choices of feel; I feel like game mode 1 and game mode 2 were very different and that definitely helped enhance the effect. However, I didn’t like how plain the project was. I understand that we aren’t all Unity experts, but I expect that you can probably figure out how to map a texture to a gameobject, or create a better looking player.

I like the dreamy/dizzy feel much more than the agressive/powerful mode. In dreamy/dizzy mode, there were certain animations and sounds that actually sold the feel quite well. I didn’t really feel the same way towards the other game mode; if the player were strong and aggressive, the cubes would move farther and something would happen during jumping either to the ground plane or the platforms. Nothing happened.

All in all, I like the start, but what you have here is a very basic game that barely meets the requirements of this projects. Apart from the spot light, environment adjustments, slight camera movement, and sound effects, I didn’t really see any difference between your project and the 3D platformer example. I would like to see a bit more effort next time, game polish wise. Good start, though.

