Comments on: Nintendo424’s Game Feel Project 1 Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:03:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: z-fighter Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:03:18 +0000 The overall atmosphere of the game was well done. The lighting, ambient noises, and particle effects contributed to making the overall game feel. The most important improvement from a gameplay standpoint would be to make the scared character more enjoyable to play. Once the monsters catch up it’s impossible to get away fast enough. Another improvement would be to make the difference between the two modes more drastic by modifying textures. The motion of the character definitely fit the two themes, except for the jumping which seemed to be the same for both. Being able to interract with the enemies in different ways also promoted the different feels of each character.

By: mulletman Fri, 17 Oct 2014 06:35:40 +0000 I really like the player-object interaction for both the aggressive/strong and scared/weak game feels. The music also helps with getting your message across. The particle effect was also pretty cool.

For the scared/weak game feel, I think the character may be moving painstakingly slow. Maybe more could have been done with the textures to show a difference between the game feels. It looks as though the only difference was the one had a red light source.

By: ragnar Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:22:47 +0000 I like the fire effects and the enemies. I like the strong mode, and popping the enemies is satisfying. The weak character is not as much fun to control mostly because it moves around very slowly. It moves slower than the enemies, so there is no chance of escaping if one of them notices you. I think with the intention of making the player feel scared, it would be better if the player moved just fast enough that they would feel as if they have a chance of escaping. This is because there is no fear of punishment if you know that you cannot take any action to save yourself because the punishment is inevitable. I think you do a good job at conveying the feel objectives though.

By: cubs2bears Fri, 17 Oct 2014 00:44:32 +0000 My Favorite Part of Your Game:

Combining a trail renderer with a fire particle effect works really well in aggressive/strong mode. I also really like how the evil flaming spheres behave and react to collisions differently and appropriately in each mode.

Possible Improvements:

Varying the jump motion in the two behaviors would help differentiate them even more. Adding more enemies and platforms couldn’t hurt either. Adding animation to the avatar would also help make him more interesting.

Game Feel Behaviors:

The avatar’s hesitance to move very quickly in scared mode helps convey fear. The interactions with the enemies reinforce the weak and strong portions of their respective behaviors. In scared/weak mode, the avatar is susceptible to attacks from the chasing enemies. Where in aggressive/strong mode the enemies run away and are launched on impact. These interactions are key to the desired game feel.

Controls/Movement, Interactions and Polish:

The controls and movement of the avatar feel good. It’s frustrating to play in weak/scared mode because he is slow and weak, but I think that’s exactly what is intended. As the avatar is an extension of yourself, you should not want to be scared and weak. Strong/aggressive movement could be improved with animation and sometimes while jumping and turning there is a bit of a hitch in the descent. I already got into many well done interactions above. Also, the sound effects when the avatar collides with enemies differ in each behavior further enhancing game feel.

Textures, Sound, Etc. :

The smoke and fire particle effects are cool, and the background music fits each behavior. They are definitely helping the prototype overall.

By: livingled Wed, 15 Oct 2014 15:36:37 +0000 “what are some things you LIKED about what they did, and why do you like them?”

A lot of elements at play in this one – enemies, AI, knocking back vs. knocking THEM back. I thought the enemies were cool to play around with!

“what are some specific things that could be improved, and how might they be accomplished? do the two motions feel like they meet the assigned “feel”?”

The game feels are captured well, general setup for the world is good. The only real gripe I have is that the weak-scared character is frustrating to play because he is so, so slow. I know that’s the point of the assignment – to illustrate game feel, even if exaggerating big time, but it you were to develop this out into a more fleshed out game prototype, obviously try to make the weak-scared character a little more able whilst retaining the game feel. I think this can be done by increasing movespeed and using other means to still keep the weak/scared impression going.

“do the interaction aspects help create game feel (controls, avatar movement and how it interacts with the world, polish effects used directly to emphasize these interactions)”

Yes! The sound effects on impact with enemies and the enemies behaviors are good polish to emphasize game feel.

“are the other parts of the prototype (textures, sounds, etc) helping or hurting?”

Helping. The textures, sounds, and lighting convey obvious cues to me about game feel.
