Comments on: Boxiom’s GAME FEEL EXPERIMENT – Tinkle Trials Video Game Design and Architecture Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:36:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: masterchief Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:36:44 +0000 This game was a lot of fun! I was definitely scared/anxious moving along with the camera facing the opposite direction. It may have been a little *too* hard to see the obstacles on the floor, maybe you could move the camera back up a little bit so that you can move in time. But all of the music, effects, and lighting were spot on.

The dizzy mode was effective mostly because of how fast the character rotated and moved. I think this could be turned down ever so slightly so that it is easier to actually make it to the destination.

The textures and overall mood were probably the best I’ve seen out of any project .nice work!

By: thievenstealburg Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:56:51 +0000 Conveying the emotions was very well done.

When playing the scary mode, the background music and shaking camera really contributed to the spooky feel. The background music was rather distressing and gave such a menial task a stressful feel. The flipped camera also added to this by obfuscating the controls. Not being able to see where exactly you were going definitely made the game more difficult and scary since you risked stepping on a floor board and attracting the ghost.

The dizzy mode was well done as well. I found that the dizzy mode took away the difficulty that was present in the scary mode (not being able to see where you were going) but added its own difficulty by making the controls difficult. Turning quickly and walking fast made this mode difficult and perfectly conveyed the feeling of being dizzy.

Overall, great job! The controls for both modes were well done and the sound effects added a lot to the feel.

By: thisisaname Wed, 15 Oct 2014 22:54:02 +0000 The scary mode was incredibly atmospheric, but there’s little to convey the feeling of scariness when the polish is turned off. The camera angle was a bit of a challenge but added little to the feel in my opinion. Some more actual player animation would help with the feeling of scariness (I saw a few people use shivering, that seems to convey it well), and some sounds more related to the character than atmospheric polish.

Dizzy mode was… dizzying. It was understandably harder to control, which was far more interaction-based and thus easy to grasp without the polish. The music’s pitch changes with movement helped with this as well, but the atmosphere of the game in general remained largely scary – as was likely intentional. The mode isn’t as difficult as real dizziness would be, but I feel this amount would be frustrating anyway. Besides the lack of secondary feelings for each mode, I would say this is one of the most well-polished projects, though the scary mode relied on it a bit too much.

By: idlapacjt Wed, 15 Oct 2014 01:29:46 +0000 Definitely hit me right away with the way it starts up before gameplay! Well done!

Let’s take this mode by mode and then some overall comments:

Great use of lighting
Creative use of camera – wish it would stay consistently in front
Slow moving helps the feel
Maybe you could add some more mechanics to the movement to make it feel more scared
Maybe the character to could have some scared reactions of some sort (randomly or to specific objects or events)

The camera is decently effective – I did get a slight dizzy sensation
I am glad it wasn’t too dizzying – that could be bad – but I am curious as to whether it could have been more dizzy without becoming bad
The camera has no direct impact on my control – did you consider trying this a different way? I can see how it might interfere too much with gameplay, but maybe there’s a happy medium. Just a thought – it’s pretty good the way it is.
Doesn’t make sense to me that he can move so fast when he’s dizzy, especially because I still feel like I’m in control at high speeds (in real life: fast + dizzy = bad)
I like the change in noise when I move though

No fun mode generally maintained the feels
I liked the use of text throughout the level and the choice of font
Great use of music and sound throughout
Nice environment and obstacles – helped a lot
A lot of personality to the game overall – nice job

By: ninebolt Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:34:30 +0000 What a crazy game. When the game first loaded, I jumped a bit in my seat because I was not expecting that music.

I really like the constant camera shake in the scary mode. I also like how the GUI’s font is in a red, bloody font. These small details really help sell the scary mode. One thing I didn’t like about this mode was that you were looking at the player’s face the whole time. This definitely made the game harder and added an element of surprise to the game because you didn’t know what was ahead of you; however, the increase in difficulty due to facing the player overshadowed that and just lent itself to making me frustrated with the game. Also, the player-facing camera doesn’t even last that long, so by the time I got used to it, it swapped to a normal 3rd person view. One thing I think you could play with is lighting and some sort of fog effect to enhance the feel of this scene. I liked the flickering lights, so if you could do more with lighting, I think it would go a long way in conveying a scary feeling in your game.

The dizzy mode was pretty great, too. I also liked what you did with the camera in this one, how it swings around quickly and overshoots. If you could, I think it’d be great if you could change the text to a more greenish color, both on the GUI as well as the text on the walls of the game. Also, maybe change the font from the blood streaks type of font to something more “loopy.” When I put it on no fun mode, I no longer get a dizzy feel. I think this is because removed the textures in the no fun mode and a majority of the game feel was coming from a combination of the textures with the camera motion.

Overall, great game. I also loved the victory music at the end.
