Comments on: baguettebaguette Game Feel P1 Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 13:02:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: munkahunkus Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:29:02 +0000 I love the atmosphere of the two modes; the audio was great and the lighting and fog were used very effectively. I feel like more interaction between the character and the world would really help this game convey its two feels. I specifically like the use of the sound effects. Honestly, I played the game before reading your description and “discovered” the scream on my own. Nice!

Currently, the character interacts directly with several objects in the scene: the physics cube, the collectable item, and the environment. Perhaps there could be more interaction between these things? I’ll craft an example game to demonstrate what I mean. First, in scary mode, the cube is pulled towards the character (apply force in unity). The player will try to use the environment to put obstacles and distance between themselves and the cube. Grabbing a collectable temporarily changes the mode to the dreamy state. In this mode, the character can push the cube around; perhaps it can be pushed to a spot in the environment that will keep it trapped once the world returns to scary mode. Whatever you do, it would be nice to see the player interactions with the world be as fleshed out as the ambiance you’ve created. Well done!

By: bear Thu, 16 Oct 2014 21:28:44 +0000 Scared/Weak
I liked the way you set up the mood for scared/weak. The red lighting and creepy music is on point. It would not be hard to guess that you chose these two adjectives for your game. I like that the slow movement clearly conveys weakness, but it’s not overly slow. However, I don’t like how fast the character rotates. It definitely takes away from the slow mood you are trying to set.
The sound when the player hits the big cube is quite loud, which I think is good because it actually scared me a bit.

I like the fog around the field to add a dreamy effect. For dizzy, I think you had a good balance between how much to spin the camera to convey the feel vs making the user too disoriented. I would suggest adding some more components to this level. Perhaps when the player hits the big cube, his movement is disabled for a bit and a black squiggling emote is showed over his head.

I would suggest adding something more to the character. Because it has both a spherical head and body, it’s sometimes confusing to understand the orientation of the player when you are trying to move forward. Which makes sense for the dizzy mode, but not necessarily the scared/weak mode.
I was confused about the start screen. I really liked the pumped up music to get you started for the game, but that music stops very abruptly. Perhaps try fading it out. I also started playing the game on the start screen and I am still not completely sure which mood the default screen corresponds to. Perhaps start the game in either the “1” or “2” game modes.

By: overload3d Thu, 16 Oct 2014 20:37:38 +0000 You really nailed dreamy/dizzy. The dizziness was done with the super sensitive rotation, but it wasn’t just “make the player uncontrollable” it was compensatable and that is how it’s meant to be!
Also, good job actually utilizing polish effects: the fog, trippy lights and colors definitely added to the feel. The ambient music is just what was needed.
To make it even more dreamy, maybe it would be worth trying some other camera effects, such as a regular oscillating motion or a different point of view. Also, colliding with the box in dreamy mode felt too normal…it should have spun in place, or floated, or disintegrated, or started flashing lights… just some ideas…

As for scary… my speakers were turned way up when I first touched that cube. THAT WAS TERRIFYING. Other than that, it wasn’t that scary.
Good choice with environment and colors, the small character is a logical direction to go for in scared/weak. I’m not in complete peace with the camera rotation though. It seems a bit out of place for his movement speed.
Maybe if it automatically “glanced fearfully” to the side from time to time you could keep the rotation speed.
Maybe the character needed some “shudder in his step” animations. Maybe, just adding some sort of footstep sounds to emphasize his size, place, and disposition in the world would have been more than enough.
Also, the jumps between dreamy and weak behave the same. Maybe dreamy could be more floaty? Weak/scared more sporadic(with a random jump vector)?

By: kchen34 Tue, 14 Oct 2014 18:07:14 +0000 I liked the sound effects and the fact that you clearly laid out which mode that the user was in. That was missing from a bunch of the other projects that I looked at. Your atmospheric effects were great in dreamy/dizzy mode, but they were a bit boring in scared/weak mode.

I didn’t particularly like that the world was very small and that the controls for the character weren’t very easy to use; the dizzy mode was almost unusable without the player feeling very uncomfortable. The normal mode was pretty easy to use, but the fact that there were gold cubes in the game that didn’t do anything seemed kind of useless. Consider taking that out if it doesn’t directly contribute to the game.

Another part that could be improved is the level of sound in the scared/weak mode. When running into the block, the scream legitimately hurt my ears. Also, in dizzy mode, I would make the player have some sort of reaction when running into the block or the walls, such as a world shake or dizzy rotation.

The motion for the two feels definitely helped the game feel, but like I said above, they could be improved a bit. The interactions were good, but there could have been some improvements. The block didn’t really help in portraying the feelings, and simply having the camera at a higher angle didn’t really portray the scared effect that well.

The sounds were good, but the scream was way too loud. The textures were a bit bland, but they definitely got the point across. I probably would’ve been able to guess the feelings just by playing the game, which means you did well in portraying the game feel. Overall, I liked the game!

-Kevin (kchen34)
