Comments on: Lion’s P1 Game Feel Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 16 Nov 2014 13:03:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: doomturtle Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:29:16 +0000 You did a great job with dizzy and scared. I guess it’s the colors and music, but it feels scary. Nimble and joyful works well unless you are moving forward. Forward motion produces a Doppler effect that makes the joyful music sound trippy in a slightly scary sort of way. I like having a series of platforms to jump up to. It makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something.

By: pineapple Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:26:39 +0000 Awesome job! I think you’ve done a great job communicating game feel through your avatar and the environment. I’d just suggest having more interactivity with the game space to establish the feels more. For dizzy and scared – the dizziness definitely comes through in the movement which was really well done. For the scared feel, the background noise and “help me” sound definitely works, but I think you can add more to your avatar to establish it as well (maybe having it tremble for example). For joyful and nimble – both feels came across quite well. Good work!

By: npai Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:06:20 +0000 I could definitely get the general feels that you were trying to convey with your two characters.

For the first one, I like the slow movement and the generally-spinny feel. It made the character seem really unsure of where it is and what’s going on, and I could definitely relate to that. The fact that you chose to make the controls not very responsive is also a plus in conveying that feel, and it definitely added to me wondering what kind of situation led this character into this place, and what in the world is going on. The sounds are a nice touch, too, and they make me feel rather paranoid as I move around and wonder if something is about to happen. The textures are, well, terrifying, but isn’t that the point?

As for the second character, the movement is much more responsive and quick, and I was able to easily navigate the world. I thought that the rotating animation during jumps was neat and that the character really did feel rather happy. The music added to that, and so did the jumping sound effect. It was pretty neat.

For some suggestions, I was a bit puzzled by the decision to make the highly-energetic jump in the first (dizzy/scared) mode. I get that it gives it a feeling of dizziness, but its energetic nature also seems to contradict the feeling of being scared, so I would tone it down a bit. And for the second mode (nimble/joyful) I would maybe recommend adding some type of an idle animation to the character while it just stands there. I thought it was really cool how you added the idle rotating animations in the first mode, and having something like that here would be awesome, too!

Overall, it was pretty cool!

By: gglppi Wed, 15 Oct 2014 18:42:37 +0000 Your textures are completely terrifying.

I definitely get dizzy from mode 1. I also get scared, but mostly from the textures.

Mode 2 conveys nimble very well, but I don’t really get joyful. The backflip-type-thing helps convey joyful, but in this case the textures seem to really undermine the desired feeling. The textures (while different from the scary/dizzy mode) are still very disconcerting and somewhat unsettling, which makes me get more of an either aggressive or scared feeling from the second mode.

The actual mechanics do a good job of conveying dizzy vs nimble though.

By: shyp Wed, 15 Oct 2014 18:39:30 +0000 I think your character’s movement combined with the music does good job showing the mood of each movement. The dizzy and scared mood is shown well through the camera rotation and the character moving around seeming all lost. The camera also rotates faster in that mood, helping the user feel the dizziness of the character. The nimble and joyful movement could be felt through the fast movement and jump as well as the happy voice of the character. You could improve the game by having a greater change in the background. Right now it does change the pattern of the wall, but it would be better if there is a color difference so the tone of the wall would match the character’s mood.
