Comments on: P1: Interactive Toy Video Game Design and Architecture Tue, 16 Jul 2019 02:04:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Blair MacIntyre Wed, 28 Aug 2013 17:59:03 +0000 A student asked me: In the project description, you stated “the motion of the sphere should be modified to move in a non-linear, non-trivial way from it’s current location to the target/clicked location”
What do you mean by “non-trivial”? Can you give me an example of something that you would consider to be trivial, and something that is not trivial?”

The current motion is linear, and trivial. A simple mathematical filter (e.g., I’ll feed it into a sin() function to make it more in a slightly different way) would still be trivial. Having something that starts to move in a more complex way (e.g., using cartoon-like animation, with a bit of anticipation and follow-through) (e.g., use Perlin Noise or some other techniques to create a more visual interesting motion) or leverages a bit more complex input (e.g., hold the button down and start moving on release, not click, and have the motion be dependent on the length of time held) (e.g., pull toward the moving mouse as it moves toward the click location, but still get to the target of the initial click) would be non-trivial. Something with state for example.

By: Blair MacIntyre Wed, 28 Aug 2013 02:34:00 +0000 Sorry for not being clear. When I said “change direction smoothly” I mean it should change direction starting when you click, changing from moving toward the old target location to moving toward the new target location smoothly. So, to answer: it should start changing direction immediately.

By: CS Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:35:58 +0000 If a new destination is clicked while the object is moving towards the first location, does the sphere need to change directions or begin to change directions immediately or can the sphere reach the original location and then proceed to the new destination?

By: The Dude Abides Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:21:35 +0000 I’d like it to appear smooth, so a series of linear lines that are interpolated across multiple frames is not really what I’m looking for. However, it would be reasonable (for example) to have a piecewise linear path defining the basic motion, but that using some functions on top of that to move smoothly relative to the line.

For example, masking the linear segments with Perlin Noise, or having the sphere otherwise have a non-linear movement guided by a collection of linear lines (really, by a few key points defining the motion) is perfectly reasonable.

By: SY Mon, 26 Aug 2013 15:56:15 +0000 Is a series of linear lines acceptable motion or are linear lines completely out of the question?
