Comments on: Groose: Stumpy Yeti in Winter Wonderland Video Game Design and Architecture Mon, 30 Sep 2013 16:36:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Abra xas Mon, 30 Sep 2013 16:36:56 +0000 I feel as if the movement is too smooth for what I would expect from a yeti. Some laggy movements would make it better to simulate wading through the snow or footsteps. He also seems very good at moving backwards.

Generally, it would be hard to tell this is a Yeti without all the polish effects and soundwork, which are good.

The camera angle seems crooked and from the side for some reason.

By: jkkl135 Mon, 30 Sep 2013 15:27:18 +0000 The movement of the yeti is nice and adds to the feel of it being a snow level. I like how his legs are under the snow on the bottom level. However, it’s kinda weird that his ice goes below the ice on the platforms.

Without sound, your game doesn’t appear to display any emotion in the yeti though. Would be nice if you built in animations to the Yeti to give him a happy feel even without sound.

By: Matt Giannelli Mon, 30 Sep 2013 14:24:52 +0000 I liked how the environment and yeti model was set up. The music and sound effects really played into your concept quite well. The ADSR curves you used for the movement seemed to go well with your snowy/icy environment, too. Perhaps some more work could have gone into making the yeti feel bigger and not just sliding around everywhere (maybe walking sound effects or different body animations to indicate that it was a big animal).

By: wow windy Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:15:09 +0000 I like the sound effects, the texture of the yeti’s face and the snowman. The music and the way that the yeti ice skates around contributes to the game feel very well. However, put the legs beneath the world seems strange to me. If the ground is made of the snow, the yeti should not move so fast. If the ground is made of ice, it’s unreasonable to put his legs into the ice. This makes me confusing.
Other suggestions: move the camera’s angle up for a bit, I feel hard to look around the world. Add some interactions to the world.

By: fl11630 McVGDev Sat, 28 Sep 2013 18:30:17 +0000 That the Yeti keeps moving moving after releasing the forward and backward keys conveys a nice icy feel, which I find really helps sell the environment. They Yeti face texture is also a nice touch, made most visible of course during the peek position it takes while falling backward. The decision to put the legs beneath the world also helps give a sense of depth to the snow, although I felt a little like on the stone areas I expected the legs to not go through those to help them seem solid by contrast, though it’s of course just a movement prototype so that maybe isn’t really a big deal. I’m a bit conflicted on the turn speed: on the one hand it seems very agile for a yeti, however on the other that responsiveness does help the happiness of the animal come through, especially in combination with its arms in a great big hug pose. That kind of conflict is inherent in the assignment though, and I think between the two directions to go on that using it to reinforce the happiness seems like a sound way to have gone. Your platforms feel well configured for platforming as this character, and also fit the icy setting nicely.
