Comments on: speedball P2: Heavy/Metallic VS Nimble/Elf-ish Video Game Design and Architecture Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:02:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Seong Pil Yoo Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:02:28 +0000 This game works really good. Especially, sound part is perfect. As I move the avatar, it sounds only one sound. My one suggestion about this sound, if you unchecked the 3D sound in the unity, it will better sound effect. Because when I try the 3D sound, it works like when avatar reach the center position, sound work but avatar moves away from the center, sound’s volume goes small.
Other than that, this game is pretty good and all avatar had right motion to show which is metalic and which is elf.

By: miningzen Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:57:31 +0000 Good job on the background sound and bouncing noises, but your animations could use some more polish. Timing the vertical elongation to happen when the green one bounces would be amazing. Jumping feels off when colliding with the underside of a platform causes you to fall straight off, and the ground collision check sound is heard constantly while on the edge of a platform.

By: demmel3 Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:21:21 +0000 The animations are a nice effect. The sound gave a nice feeling, especially the elf’s.

By: Abra xas Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:31:11 +0000 The sound work is great, and the changes to the character models are really nice. The background changes are also appropriate.

The second version of the game (the light one) especially has a nice personality to it with all the string sounds and soundtrack.

The heavy object doesn’t really benefit from the rotation effect and feels strange. I feel like movement and flexibility fits the light version much better than the heavy one. The heavy object would feel better if it didn’t move and was very rigid.

By: Jonathan Betancourt Sat, 14 Sep 2013 23:39:19 +0000 The usage of sound to convey the material and feel was great. I understood that the grey object was metallic and that the green object was rubbery by the landing sounds. Also, the background music was suitable for the feel of the two materials. The music accompanying the metallic object sounded like rapid clanking, and the music accompanying the rubbery object sounded like plucking strings. I think you did a good job using sound to emphasize the feel.

I also liked that the metallic object felt clunky because the animation had a clunky rotation. As for the rubbery object, the stretching motion of the animation gave the impression that the object could bounce high and move fast. I think the usage of animation to convey their material and feel was done well.

I think that the animation should not play constantly, but rather, when you are moving or jumping.I think that the metal object is moving as fast as the rubbery one, so I would suggest slowing it down to convey the sense of heaviness. I also think that the metal object is jumping too high to convey a full sense of heaviness. I think that I think working on these qualities can improve the overall feel of both objects.
