Comments on: sirnightfury’s p2 submission Video Game Design and Architecture Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:55:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: crazybanana Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:55:01 +0000 I enjoyed this game a lot. Both your elf and heavy guy feel great. When I play the elf, I feel light and fast. The elf is able to jump very high and change directions while in the air. It responds to the input instantly which gives a great feel of direct control. The heavy guy also feels great while playing. It moves slowly and jumps not as high. A great idea is to make the heavy guy a bit slow while respond to the jumps. It feels not as direct and harder to control but gives a sense of heavy. I really liked the feel of the game.
You have great polish effects. I like how the elf sort of bounces when it jumps giving a sense of lightness. The sounds effects are great. I can hear the elf laughing and jumping. The heavy guy makes a very hard noise when it lands and moves. The background the textures of the characters change while switching between the two.
All in all, this is a great feel. The characters feel instant and easy to control. The polish effects are great. It gives me the exact feel I look for while playing the game.

By: Mereshadows Mon, 16 Sep 2013 12:48:36 +0000 You did a good job contrasting the two character by means of game feel. For the elf, springy is a really good buzzword everyone is using to describe it. The laugh makes me want to keep jumping around so I can laugh along with it. Though the laugh does seem ever so slightly creepy when it laughs without jumping by means of falling down to a lower platform. I think a mechanic that would have been really complimentary to the design of your elf would be to give the character a short amount of time after landing to essentially double bounce itself!
For the machine, I had a hard time associating the delayed timing of the jump to the clunky-ness of the machine and just felt like bad controls. Once I got in the mind set that the machine’s clunky-ness was the reason for the delay instead of the controls it felt fine. I think a sound effect or a small avatar animation during the time of the delayed jump would immediately create that association and avoid any problems.

Good Job!

By: Aruvinn Mon, 16 Sep 2013 04:28:54 +0000 Polish effects in form of the sounds really help delivers the feeling. Spatial navigation was fun, and the elf certainly comes to me as playful and naughty, beside being light and nimble. For the heavy machine, even though I like the idea of adding a pause as if it needs the time to process the command, I feel like the jumping movement still feels like springy, like something that’s light and has springs on it.

By: flanne Sun, 15 Sep 2013 17:21:36 +0000 I really like how the elf character’s body contracted right before it jumps; combined with jump sound effect it really makes the elf feel “springy”. Between the jumping effects and giggles, the elf feels playful and nimble. In contrast, the machine avatar feels much heavier. The pause before the jump and the sound of the landing really makes the jumps feel like they carry a lot of weight.

By: falconette Sun, 15 Sep 2013 17:05:27 +0000 Wow, lots of sound effects! All of which do a great job and conveying game feel to the user. There’s no doubt as to which is the nimble elf avatar and which is the heavy machine avatar, granted your elf did feel more of an imp due to the giggles, to each their own. Furthermore,the visuals are great too. The backgrounds give a very nice contrast and the stretchy animation for the elf character really helps give a sense of jumpiness. I will note, however, that it seems odd your heavy avatar is lacking any sort of movement animation. I would suggest adding something that further gives this sense of heaviness, such as screen shaking or dust clouds.
