Comments on: jm46: Elf-Machine Jump Game P2 Video Game Design and Architecture Sun, 15 Sep 2013 23:46:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: asuna Sun, 15 Sep 2013 23:46:34 +0000 I really like your sound effects. If I closed my eyes while moving the character around I would know immediately which character I was controlling. It would have been nice to change the background music as well.

The elf moved very nicely. It was quick and jumped very high. The double jump was a great addition.

The machine left a bit to be desired. Yes it moved slower and jumped lower, as expected. But the same basic movement was used (tilt and move). It was almost like your elf was cursed to move slowly rather than an entirely new character.

By: k5mhcak Sun, 15 Sep 2013 18:16:55 +0000 I think you did a very great job to convey the different feelings of two characters. The movements of the two characters convey light feeling and heavy feeling very well. I liked how the camera shake effects when the heavy machine falls emphasize its feeling (heavy weight). But it was really hard to go up with the heavy machine because it jumped too low. It would be good if the color of the heavy machine (white) is darker than green one. Before I played around with the two types, I thought the white one had nimble feeling. The elf has great movement to convey its light feeling. It moves faster than heavy one. The particles around the elf are cute but I do not think that it gives elfish feeling.

By: Jonathan Betancourt Sun, 15 Sep 2013 02:52:06 +0000 I like how you used sound to convey a sense of feel for the characters. The green object sounded light weight. I can safely say this because a coarser and obtuse voice would infer a larger character, but you used a voice that sounded acute and smooth. Also, the heavier character sounded mechanized, so this infers a machine. Machines are normally conceived as heavy, so this fits the character very well.

I like how you changed the speed and gravity force to convey a sense of weight. The green object moved faster and jumped higher. This motion feels fluid and smooth and fits a nimble character. As for the machine, the slower speed and lower jump potential definitely conveys a heavy character.

I didn’t understand the particle effects. It appears more as a glow than an emphasize to their feel. I think adding a dirt cloud trail for the nimble elf could help with emphasizing his/her speed. Also, I think changing the music up to fit the type of character can help with setting feeling. The tune fits the nimble elf, but I don’t feel it well with the machine. Other than that, great job!

By: speedball Sun, 15 Sep 2013 02:00:24 +0000 Overall: The background music is great for the “elfish, nimble” gameplay, but it would have been a good idea to change it or turn it off when changing to the metallic gameplay. It’s a very light hearted song for metallic/heavy gameplay.

(1) Metallic Gameplay: The sound effects for when it falls are great for conveying how heavy the object “is”. In addition, the shake effects are great as well. Good that you changed the graphics, making the character white with black bedazzle? effects. However, I might have tried a different effect for the heavy one.

(2)Nimble/Elfish: Great movement as well. The character is faster, jumps higher, is more “nimble”. The environment with the mossy background and trees are great. In addition, the sprite also looks good in green with a “magical” elfish glow. The sound effect when the character jumps, in a way, sounds like the character is struggling or putting a great deal of effort into jumping. In addition, the sound effect when it lands still makes it sound a little heavy, while a more springy sound could have made it sound “lighter.”

By: speedball Sun, 15 Sep 2013 01:59:22 +0000 Overall: The background music is great for the “elfish, nimble” gameplay, but it would have been a good idea to change it or turn it off when changing to the metallic gameplay. It’s a very light hearted song for metallic/heavy gameplay.

(1) Metallic Gameplay: The sound effects for when it falls are great for conveying how heavy the object “is”. In addition, the shake effects are great as well. Good that you changed the graphics, making the character white with black bedazzle? effects. However, I might have tried a different effect for the heavy one.

(2) Great movement as well. The character is faster, jumps higher, is more “nimble”. The environment with the mossy background and trees are great. In addition, the sprite also looks good in green with a “magical” elfish glow. The sound effect when the character jumps, in a way, sounds like the character is struggling or putting a great deal of effort into jumping. In addition, the sound effect when it lands still makes it sound a little heavy, while a more springy sound could have made it sound “lighter.”
