Comments on: Birdfeeder Video Game Design and Architecture Thu, 11 Oct 2012 04:39:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Blair MacIntyre Sat, 06 Oct 2012 20:30:26 +0000 The general game idea is cute, and could be fun.

The thing I’m not seeing, which is going to be the crux of the thing, is how the movement works. Given the whole setup, it seems clear to me you could have some pretty fun movement mechanics based on this. I’ve watched squirrels attach our relatives feeders (and ours, back when we tried to have one) and they are amazing at jumping, hanging on, swinging, etc. It seems like you can almost do a super-hero style game (able to wall-jump, swing, etc in amazing ways) but couched in the context of the evil seed-stealing squirrel.

So, I would have liked to see that touched on in the game description.

I also don’t have any sense of what it would mean for the squirrel movement to be more difficult when it’s got too much seed. But, as you flesh out the super-moves (assuming you do), that should become clear.

For the prototype, I agree than the squirrel movement is key. So, focusing on that, with a single complex feeder to scale, would be the right thing to focus on!
