Comments on: Project 3 prototype : Cybernaut – Control the machines to control the future. Video Game Design and Architecture Thu, 11 Oct 2012 04:14:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: john turner Fri, 05 Oct 2012 13:38:15 +0000 i was sorta wanting to combine the direct control aspect with the pet aspect. so lets say the player can train numerous mech-suits over the course of game play, and can control maybe 1 or 2 of them (along with occupying one – i envision the player needs to always occupy one to survive – outside any suit the player is going to be very vulnerable). so the goal is to have a team of maybe 3 of these things – 1 is occupied, the other 2 are followers/pets. the player can take direct control of any of the 3 in the “squad”, and the other 2 are sorta “bots” in the sense that they follow commands but otherwise are autonomous. i could see the differences in the bots’ natures/abilities being an exploitable source of fun in that, for particular situations, certain bots might do well to be on auto pilot while others would perform best to be directly controlled, while in other situations this might be reversed.

so how about i set this as my goal for my prototype :

1. build sandbox, player, a few different “mech-suits”
2. implement mechanic to directly control the bots and each performs some “unique” ability.
3. implement ability for player to assume control of one of the bots (physically rolls up to one of them and jumps inside) and then be able to “switche control” to the other bots in his “Squad” (basically just a keystroke, once connected to one of his bots, he could control any in his “Group”).

By: Blair MacIntyre Fri, 05 Oct 2012 11:31:17 +0000 Dropping the focus on the training would be good, IMHO, but if you focus on the pets, the game starts veering into a Starcraft style game (control the team) and not a “game feel, direct control of avatar” style game.

I think if done right, the whole package could be fun. But, if there is any variety and complexity to the pets, the game will be a massive job to get working and balanced, to the point of being in any way fun to play. When I talked about not doing tower defense style games, this is a reason why: any game like this will hinge on the balance between a massive number of elements.

If you focus on the pets, perhaps don’t do any training, and don’t have many (any?) variety at first. And, perhaps don’t have any control over them … perhaps you activate them and they follow you with well-defined roles. As player, you are focused on controlling your character, but the robots move around you in a swarm whose movements are (largely) deterministic and so you can control them indirectly with your own (imagine moving forward, and turning sharply left, and having a “tail” of them whip around to effectively strike the enemy).

By: john turner Fri, 05 Oct 2012 10:41:41 +0000 “nattering nabob” ha ha ! 🙂 Yeah, like I said I can definitely see how this might -not- be fun, but the distinction I’m going for here is not so much one of merely a weapon/means to an end, but, to use another mmo analogy, more of a utilitarian pet, like SWG’s creature handler or beast master. I’m wanting to capture the sense of investment that a player would feel having taught his robot how to walk, and now that robot can go off without the player even being inside/controlling it and perform tasks for him.

so a player can occupy a particular suit and use it to protect him and augment his abilities, or he can command the suit to do what he wants it to do (what he’s shown it how to do?) and let it go off and do it, whatever it is (fight stuff, find stuff, fedex stuff, etc).

i was hoping the keyboard manifestation of teaching the suit (pressing a key makes the suit move a part of itself) would present that “starting from scratch” experience in a pleasing, feel-oriented way, but yeah, it could just end up being a PITA. heh.

i had also considered the ship-upgrading thing (sort of thought of it from a “car wars” pov) – this was actually where i started with this. i thought maybe starting with the completed suit would be less complicated.

so maybe not focus on the mechanic of teaching the suit to move and instead focus more on the game play mechanics of “how to care for and raise your pet mech suit”? that is, after all, my desired end result.

By: Blair MacIntyre Fri, 05 Oct 2012 01:42:46 +0000 While I hate being a “nattering nabob of negativity”, I fear that this just won’t be fun. Think about what the goal will be: it can’t be just leveling up the suits, since that is mostly a means to an end (what is the point of the suits other than just using them?). If the suits are a means to an end, then I can’t see how the task of training them can be anything other than (as you say) and artificial stumbling block to advancement. A “pattern based twister” kind of structure will, to me, seem very annoying and in the way of getting what you need.

The essential problem is that, in the end you know that these things are just a means to an end. The game you describe is structured such that the parts are things you need to do something else; so anything you make them do to get those parts will be hard to make it feel “integrated” into the game. Imagine if whenever you got a weapon in WoW that you had do a bunch of junk to be able to use it.

I’m not sure what to suggest to make it better. And I’m not sure what to suggest as a prototype for this. I think that you need to step back from this and think about what would be the fun.

To me, the fun would be in _using_ the mech parts, and perhaps assembling them in different ways to get different abilities (pretty standard “upgrading your ship parts” kind of thing). I’d dump the whole teaching thing, and focus on some fun combos of parts. More than that, I’d focus on a very few small parts and think about how they could combine, and beyond that, I’d focus on a few ideas that feel very different, and allow you to do very different things. What would make this game different, or what would make it feel fun?

– your normal character has no defense, but can perhaps move lightly and quickly
– add some legs and you can kick, stomp and perhaps jump and move faster. but you are now stuck to the ground mostly. But,you can take damage.
– add arms and you can grapple and punch? Swing? Climb?

I’m not sure. You want to avoid complexity from lots of combinations …
