The Web as a Platform for Augmented Reality Experiences
Blair MacIntyre
Principal Research Scientist, Mozilla
Professor, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
@blairmacintyre /
Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality are hot topics right now,
driven by the rapid improvement in technology (from Hololens to
Vive, GearVR to Magic Leap) and the accompanying explosion of
experimentation and ideas for how to use them. Ideas that
until recently lived in research labs suddenly seem possible.
But with an explosion of technology comes a corresponding explosion
of developer platforms, a rush by companies to create captive
ecosystems, and resulting complexity for developers trying to build
and ship applications.
Fortunately, just as it has for previous media, the web is showing
promise as a platform for AR and VR. WebVR is set to ship in
multiple browsers this year, and is poised to make the web an
open, accessible platform for VR, where anyone can publish
small demos or substantial applications. At Mozilla, we are
building on our experience creating WebVR, and leveraging my
experience running the Argon web-based AR project at Georgia Tech,
to make high performance AR possible on the web.
In this talk, I’ll discuss the state of AR on the web, the potential
of the Web for creating novel AR experience, the technical limitations
of current web browsers, and how we are planning to overcome them.
I’ll also show you how you can leverage to start
experimenting with web-based AR on mobile phones today.
When people think of AR, they often think of movies like The Terminator
or the heads-up displays in video games.
More recently, Google appropriated the term for Glass, which isn't surpising.
It conjures a more interesting vision of the future than "head's up display"
What is AR?
(or MR or Holographic Computing?)
Mixing media with a person's perception of the worldregistered in 3D , in real-time
Other approaches to context-based media:
Heads-up-Displays (Glass)
Map mashups (Ingress, Pokemon GO)
Geofencing (alerts)
Which is not to say that there's anything wrong with a small, lightweight,
heads-up display for giving continuous access to contextually relevant information.
Until all aspects of AR technology improve dramatically, we aren't going to be
able to do much more in something that could be worn all the time. Beyond
wearable heads-up displays there are other ways we can deliver location or
content-based content to users, and while some call themselves AR, those are
not what I'm focusing on here.
When I talk about AR, I'm referring to the idea the NASA and Boeing folks had
when they coined the term, namely mixing media with a person's perception
of the world, registered in 3D. I don't limit AR to just visual media, or
to specific display technologies.
I say this not to start an argument about what is or isn't AR; rather, I
simply want to clarify what I am thinking about when I use the term.
Ivan Sutherland, "The Ultimate Display", mid-1960's
Other popular ideas including medical, military and industrial applications,
vertical market applications such as for workers engaged in equipment maintenance,
food safety and factory inspection.
I think everyone here has some idea about how AR could be used. I've been
doing AR research for about 25 years, and myself and others have explored
a wide variety of uses of AR. Here I've including some pictures
of some of the more popular consumer facing ideas, including games, educational applications in health and math,
mixed-reality mirror worlds, room-scale interactive stories,
visualizing building construction
and end-user training for equiment maintenance.
One of the most exciting uses of AR is to create collaborative experiences,
for both colocated or remote participants. While we've imagined these for years
it's finally becoming possible to actually deliver such experiences, illustrated
by the Hololens use of Skype for remote assistance. Many people have imagined or
experiemented with multiple games, and with using avatars in the place
of remote participants in meetings or other experiences.
At Georgia Tech, we've recently prototyped a classroom for CS education, using
projection AR based on Microsoft Research's RoomAlive software, where we
building on what we know about studio-based education pedagogy to
improve CS education by continuously explosing the hidden work products students
are creating as they learn to program.
This idea of passively and continuously exposing hidden work to
facilitate collaboration or education is very powerful, and may one day
represent a major win for AR technologies.
It's an Exciting Time for AR
Head Mounted AR Displays
It matters more what the user wants to do when deciding on platform.
First, the companies in the space have been trying to distinguish themselves
from each other with terms that pretty much mean the same thing. Google used
AR to mean heads-up-displays, so Microsoft decided to use Holographic
computing to distinguish Hololens from Glass. And then Magic Leap and others
decided to use Mixed Reality to emphasize that their displays do a better
job of mixing graphics with the world than the traditional approach to see
through displays. I understand why they did this, from a marketing
and branding perspective, and even agree with the distinctions each of these
companies are making, but the downside is there there are a bunch of false distinctions
and confusion when people try to talk about the technologies. To me, these
terms are interchangable.
Similarly, I think it's worth remembering that a lot of what is done in
AR using different technologies is often done for expedience. There are good
reasons for picking different technologies for different applications, and its
often the case that the wrong technologies were used for experiences in the past
simply because they were the only ones available. For example, a lot of our
work on AR games would have been much more suited to HMD's like Hololens, but
the tech wasn't available. I've seen a lot of discussion where people are
proposing AR experiences on new HMDs and contrasting them with the work
people have done in the past, and presenting that past work as flawed because
the developers chose no not use HMDs.
(Perhaps HMD's will dominate consumer use when they look like this, but that's a long way off)
And, in particular, there are always tradeoffs. Until tracking, world modeling
and understanding allows us to present graphics to users at a level of quality
you see on sports broadcasts on TV, HMDs will not be feasible for continuous use.
Furthermore, issues like input, haptic feedback, collaboration and how these
displays fit into existing work practices will further impede them replacing
other display and input technologies.
Traditional (Handheld and Desktop) Displays
Can we use the Web for AR?
Leverage all this hardware, and all things webby!
These are about both ephemeral apps, and apps that people may not want to
install for various reasons.
But Is This Approach Good Enough?
See-through or Video-Mixed
Ron Azuma. "A Survey of Augmented Reality" Presence (1997)
This definition goes back quite a while, and most AR systems correspond
roughly to the diagrams Azuma had in his 1997 paper. While he focused on
head-worn displays, the same basic elements exist in all AR systems: sensing
of the world and where the display is, generating appropriate media and displaying
content such that it appears to align with the relevant parts of the world.
Ron Azuma. "A Survey of Augmented Reality" Presence (1997)
Video-Mixed = VR?
Ron Azuma. "A Survey of Augmented Reality" Presence (1997)
For those familiar with VR ...
Video-Mixed = VR + World?
Ron Azuma. "A Survey of Augmented Reality" Presence (1997)
The Challenge of AR
Must display in real time (akin to VR)
Can only display based on what we
already know or can sense
about the world relative to the display
Core problems are displays ,
sensing , and
services for world knowledge.
Simple Approach is Not Enough
Very Little World Knowledge,
Tightly Coupled to Platform
Julian Oliver "Levelhead" 2008
People Tried to do Web+VR before WebVR in 2013
argon.js and (soon) Argon4 are Open Source on
This Presentation is Running in Argon4
on an iPhone
Using argon.js + reveal.js + aframe.js + argon-aframe.js
Computer vision AR w/ Vuforia
Planetary scale geographic AR
Custom Reality (Panorama)
Support for Other Browsers
First-class notion of "Reality"
Any "representation of Reality" can be used, such as:
360 images or video, Google Streetview, 3D Models of the World,
See-thru (video-mixed or optical)
As long as Reality can provide
View of reality
Camera pose for viewer
Camera frustum for viewer
Decouple apps from "Reality"
Platform independence
Leverage platform capabilities
Overlay multiple apps on reality AND each other
User in Control
Time and Place (user chooses reality)
Platform (HMD, handheld, ...)
Content (multiple apps at once)
Mode (AR, VR, 2D)
Potential for More Privacy (AR without sharing all sensing)
Native apps currently get full access to all sensors
Many not want to give web pages full sensor access
Argon4 and argon.js are Webby!
Leveraged aframe.js to add AR to this reveal.js presentation
Add argon and aframe scripts up top
<script src="resources/js/aframe.js"> </script>
<script src="resources/js/argon.js"> </script>
<script src="resources/js/argon-aframe.js"> </script>
Add a simple AFrame scene down below
Adjust the CSS a bit, add some Javascript and we're off...
Simple Declarative 3D AR Content
<a-box position="0 3 -10" radius="0.25" color="gold"
rotation="0 0 45">
<a-animation attribute="rotation" from="0 0 45" to="0 360 45"
dur="1000" easing="ease-in-out"
A-Frame markup to create a spinning gold diamond
Geospatial frames of reference
<ar-geopose id="GT" lla="-84.39453 33.77250" userotation="false">
<a-entity fixedsize="20" billboard>
<a-plane rotation="0 0 0" width="2.9" height="4"
src="#buzzpin" transparent="true" ></a-plane>
<a-entity css-object="div: #gtdiv" scale="0.02 0.02 0.02"
position="0 4 0"
showdistance="Tech Tower @ GT<br>Atlanta, GA<br>It is ">
A-Frame markup to put a pin at Georgia Tech
Simple Vuforia Setup and Use
<ar-scene vuforiakey="#vuforiakey"
<a-asset-item id="vuforiakey" src="key.txt"></a-asset-item>
<ar-frame id="frame" trackvisibility="true" visible="false"
A-Frame markup to put content on a visual target
ISS Maintenance w/ Traclabs
More interesting than platform is considering the kind of application
Web Ecosystem is Rich and Diverse
Many tools, from the simple to the elaborate
Mashups may suggest new ways of creating 3D!!/argon-example
Bring AR to the Web
Build on Advanced Web Tech: WebVR, Servo, WebAssembly, ...
Create new Web Tech: computer vision, sensor fusion, geospatial data, ...
Need new services for object or location-based search and discovery , world knowledge , object recognition and tracking , ...
What Might WebAR Look Like?